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Item O abandono afetivo inverso e a (im)possibilidade da exclusão do herdeiro necessário da sucessão(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-03) Xavier, Giovana Soares May; Bonelli, Rita de Cássia Simões Moreira;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; work has as objective study the affective abandonment reverse and the possility of necessary heir’s exclusion of the succession, considering the non-legal prevision of that hypothesis on the Civil Code of 2002. It intent to show if the legal causes are exhaustive or not by the way of jurisprudence and how the vulnerability of the old people and the familiar negligence of solidarity could justify a new way of withdrawal in situations of affective abandonment. In that context, considering the affection as legal thing to be protected, debates the incapability between indignity and disinherit, and the current social and legal conception of family from the constitutionalization of Civil rights.Item Análise da lei de alimentos gravídicos(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-06-15) Lopes, Fernanda Carolina Cerqueira; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis Colani;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; regulation of the unborn child support occured after the enactment of the law n.o 11.804/2008. The issue of child support has always been vastly discussed, especially when it is related to the rights of unborn children. The referred legal institut was therefore essential to support those rights. In this context, it is possible to identify the inconsistencies of this law. Certain discussions are still in vogue in this doctriary and jurisprudencial area, such as paternity evidences, active and passive legitimation, the inicial terme, the (non)retroactivity of unborn child support facing non concession and posterior proof of paternity, the (im)possibility of demanding compensation for material and/or moral damage concerning the “non-father”. It is linked thus to the fundamental rights and fundamental principles within the national legal core, such as human dignity, the right to life, the best interest of a child, responsible fatherhood, family solidarity and the legal position of unborn children.Item A análise da paternidade biológica e da paternidade socioafetiva em face ao direito das sucessões: um breve estudo do caso HSTERN(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-06-15) Fraga, Rafael Dube; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis Colani;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; discussion about the prevalence between socio-affective paternity or biological paternity has gained space, in the last years, in the spheres of the highest echelon of Brazilian Law, the Superior Court of Justice and the Supreme Federal Court. One of the most famous cases in which this discussion is at the heart of the process is the case of H Stern. Thus, the present study aims to discuss the species of paternity, approaching the particularities of the factual case, and, finally, aims to explore a little of what Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence understand in relation to the effects of the recognition of paternity in Family Law and Law of Successions.Item O casamento homoafetivo no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro após a ADPF 132 de 2011(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2019-01-30) Alves, Quênia Santana; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de;; Viana, Claudia; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis research aims to analyze the possibility or not of homoaffective marriage in the Brazilian legal system after ADPF 132. The method used was qualitative, by literary review, use of doctrine and articles and periodicals on the subject. Although ADPF 132 recognized homosexual marriage and Res. 175 / CNJ regulated homosexual marriage, there are obstacles to homosexual marriage in the Judiciary, hence the need to investigate, in the legal system, the contribution of the Principles of Family Law for this admissibility, although not regulated by Law. By the principles of Affectivity; DPH; of Equality; and that of Liberty; which ensure equal treatment, and from the analysis of ADPF 132 and Res. 175, it is possible to affirm that homosexual marriage is admissible.Item Casamento homoafetivo: a construção contramajoritária do conceito jurídico e sua ausência legal(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-07-18) Checcucci, Leandro Carvalho Silva; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis Colani;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; Casamento, união homoafetiva e deveres matrimoniais(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-01-24) Almeida, Juliana dos Santos; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis Colani;; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis Colani;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; http://lattes.cnpq.brHomosexuality is a fact of life, competing with the state and the law in a democratic society to ensure the development of the personality of all individuals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Federal Supreme Court's ADPF No. 132 in light of the principles of Family Law, pointing out its social and legal repercussions. The theme brings new considerations, or even a new perspective for Family Law, as well as the fundamental rights involved. The methodology used in this work is qualitative in nature. The procedures were used as, literary review, documentary analysis. Also, research was done at the CAPES thesis bank, aiming at a better contextualization of the theme. The historical, social, religious and juridical aspects of the present theme were presented, among them, the extension of the matter related to the stable union between persons of different sex and the union between persons of the same sex, constituting as one of the consequences their conversion into marriage, with the silent permission of the Supreme Court. The content of CNJ Resolution No. 175 was observed. The conclusion presents a discussion about the need for a law that will regulate same-sex marriage.Item A contribuição portuguesa para o processo de execução civil de títulos extrajudiciais por quantia certa e sua aplicabilidade no direito brasileiro(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-12-14) Nascimento, Anderson Andrade; Teixeira, Humberto Gustavo Drummond da Silva;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; research focuses on studying the contribution of the Portuguese State in the adoption of a model for the execution of out-of-court titles for a certain amount, which has been disqualified, in view of the current burden of proceedings in the Brazilian judiciary, as well as the high rate of inefficiency of jurisdictional delivery in this procedural modality. As specific objectives, an analysis of the principle of inaccessibility of the control of the jurisdiction was taken into account in order to understand its limits and to know if the Brazilian legal system allows the implementation of an execution model for the Judiciary Power, as occurs in the Lusitanian State; compare the enforcement system adopted by Portugal with the national system, in order to investigate the possible Portuguese contribution to guarantee the effectiveness of jurisdictional protection, specifically the enforcement demands of extrajudicial title. Finally, it was also a question of reflecting on the need to implement an alternative enforcement system in the light of PL 6.204 / 2019, mainly seeking to contemplate the basic principles of national civil enforcement from the perspective of the Portuguese contribution.Item Da (im)possibilidade do reconhecimento das relações sugar no âmbito do direito de família brasileiro contemporâneo(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-14) Espinheira, Catarina Tavares; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de;; D'Alburquerque, Teila Rocha Lins de; isar t i c lehas the general ob jec t i veo fana l yz ing theposs ib i l i t y , o rno t , o f the recogn i t i ono f suga r re la t ionswi th in thescopeofCon tempora ryBraz i l i an Fami l y Law. The presen t resea rchi s jus t i f i ed i n v iewof thechang i ngcharac te ro f thenot iono f fam i l yandtheneed to po in t out theore t i ca l - ep is temo log ica l founda t ions tha t a l lowtheana lys i so f theposs ib le l ega l consequenceso f t h is re la t ionsh ipwi th in thescopeof fami l y law.The methodo logyused was o f a qua l i ta t i vena tu rebasedonthe l i te r ature.Item A desistência da adoção ou devolução dos filhos adotados e sua eventual responsabilização civil(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-03) Carmo, Carolina Assunção do; Bonelli, Rita de Cássia Simões Moreira;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; present work intends to analyze the occurrence of the withdrawal of adoption or return of adopted children, investigating the nature of the damage caused to the child and adolescent, and what are its repercussions on the social and legal levels. The study of this phenomenon is relevant in face of the frequent cases of abandonment in the scope of adoption. It is essencial to discuss wheteher this practice constitutes non-fulfillment of parental duties and violation of fundamental rights that justify the civil reparation of adoptive parents. For this, the aforementioned verification is established in agreement with the constitutional principles of integral protection and the best interest of the child and adolescent, as well as, it is consistent with the legal provisions that guarantee the protection addressed for these individuals of right in a state of vulnerability.Item A destinação de bens digitais post mortem: conflitos entre a sucessão dos herdeiros e os direitos da personalidade do usuário de cujus(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-03) Oliveira, Júlia Venas; Bonelli, Rita de Cássia Simões Moreira;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; article addresses the Brazilian law question regarding the destination of post-mortem digital assets of the user and possible offenses against very personal rights. It aims to analyze the extent to which the heirs' right to access these assets is legitimate without violating the privacy, intimacy and image of the deceased person. And in the event of an offense, how the jurisprudence handles the principles of proportionality and reasonableness to accommodate different fundamental rights. It also aims to investigate if the current succession legislation combined with the General Data Protection Law are sufficient to regulate the destination of digital heritage in Brazil, in the absence of a specific law.Item Divórcio impositivo no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro: uma análise sobre a sua admissibilidade após a Emenda Constitucional 66/2010(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-05-06) Santos, Taline Ferreira dos; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de;; D'Albuquerque, Teila Rocha Lins de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe main objective of this article is to investigate the possibility, or not, of admitting the imposing divorce in the Brazilian legal system, or not, of admitting the imposing divorce in the Brazilian legal system, after the Constitutional Amendment number 66/2010, within the scope of the Family Law. The object of study has justification on the debate on the admissibility of imposing divorce in Brazil, this is because the matter is not yet pacified, although there are already rules that regulate and deal with imposing divorce. To obtain results, the methodology applied in the research was qualitative, using the literature review method, as well as reading the doctrine, legislation, articles published in scientific journals and research sites. In view of such analysis, resulting from the object of study, it is possible to verify that the imposing divorce is admissible in the Brazilian Legal System, considering that, through provisions, its applicability occurred, as well as the applicability of the institute studied by the Judiciary Power.Item Os efeitos sucessórios da parentalidade socioafetiva post mortem: análise dos critérios estabelecidos para o reconhecimento da filiação pelo Supremo Tribunal de Justiça (STJ)(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-03) Carvalho, Gabriela Vidal; Bonelli, Rita de Cássia Simões Moreira;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; article aims to analyze how Brazilian law guarantees the granting of inheritance rights for the socio-affective child recognized post mortem, as well as its application criteria. It also aims to identify how the principle of equality provided for in the Federal Constitution of 1988 guarantees inheritance rights, such as showing how the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) guarantees socio-affective affiliation, in addition to explaining the concept of posthumous adoption and its difference in relation to post mortem socio-affective parenting. For this, an analysis of judgments will be made at the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), in order to verify how the socio-affective children have their rights enforced.Item Exclusão da sucessão por indignidade em caso de abandono material: (im)possibilidade jurídica(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-01-29) Almeida, Maria Alice Carneiro de; Bonelli, Rita de Cássia Simões Moreira;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis article aims at analyzing the legal possibility of extending the causes foreseen in the Brazilian legal system for deprivation of inheritance. In the context of human relations, there are several scenarios that raise questions about whether or not a certain heir deserves the receipt of the estate of the deceased. This study aims to analyze one of these situations in order to scrutinize the juridical possibility of an amplifying interpretation of the norm for purposes of exclusion of the inheritance right from the ascending heir who has materially abandoned the descendant author of the succession.Item Famílias anaparentais socioafetivas: dinâmicas e desafios para o direito sucessório contemporâneo(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-06-15) Andrade, Mariah Medeiros de; Bonelli, Rita de Cássia Simões Moreira;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; scientific article aims to analyze the possibility of deferral of succession effects for anaparental families. The main objective is to investigate, in the light of contemporary Brazilian inheritance law, whether inheritance is transmitted between socio-affective brothers, even when there is no valid will. Therefore, it will be necessary to define requirements for the judicial recognition of family agreements formed from a fraternal brother and without the presence of common ancestors. In this sense, the aspects that guided this new family configuration will be addressed and the investigation will deduce the status of brother as a fundamental piece for the characterization of anaparental families. The method adopted for the construction of the critical basis of this article was the hypothetical deductive, that is, if the hypothesis is true, in turn, a premise will also be. Throughout the research carried out for the construction of the work, the tendency of the courts in the actor or the principle of affectivity was evidenced as a fundamental part for the configuration of the new family arrangements.Item Guarda compartilhada como possível porma de Prevenção à alienação parental: análise do critério da prioridade absoluta no STJ(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-06-15) Sampaio, Alice Andrade Vaz; Bonelli, Rita de Cássia Simões Moreira;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; present article intends to analyze how the Brazilian jurisprudence guarantees the realization of the absolute priority in shared custody processes, its requirements application and use as a possible prevention strategy for parental alienation. It also purpose to identify the legal content of full protection, provided in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA), in addition to explaining the concept of parental alienation and its difference in relation to the Parental Alienation Syndrome (SAP). To this end, an analysis of the judgments at the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) will be made, in cases involving shared custody and parental alienation, in order to verify how children and adolescents have their fundamental rights enforced.Item A guarda compartilhada e a alienação parental em tempos de pandemia do Covid-19(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-12-14) Silva, Lyara Rocha dos Santos e; Teixeira, Humberto Gustavo Drummond da Silva;; Teixeira, Humberto Gustavo Drummond da Silva;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; Constitution of Brazil guarantees children and adolescents the right to family life, stressing that they must be safe from violence and any oppression. However, when a couple with minor children decides to end the affective relationship and choose to live in different houses, the Brazilian law started to adopt the legal institute of Shared Guard - provided there is no obstacle regarding the safety of the child or adolescent - to ensure coexistence with both parents. The situation of parental alienation occurs when the couple's separation does not end harmoniously and those involved start to conflict and promote a campaign of demoralization in disfavor of the other towards the children, a practice that is harmful to children and adolescents, which disturbs the paternal relationship. branch. Thus, this subject gained notoriety with the Covid-19 pandemic, which worsened in Brazil in 2020, as the high degree of coronavirus infection brought about the need for social isolation to reduce the contagion. As a result, some cases of shared custody needed to be reassessed or readjusted, both to prevent the transit of children and adolescents – which would give rise to the spread of the virus – and to remedy episodes of parental alienation during this quarantine period. The present study aims to investigate parental alienation in the scenario of shared custody in times of pandemic, with a view to explaining COVID-19, highlighting the concept of parental alienation, differentiating it from parental alienation syndrome and defining what joint custody consists of, these being the specific objectives.Item Herança digital e os influenciadores digitais: o conflito entre os direitos personalíssimos e a falta de adequação legislativa(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2022-06-13) Limoeiro, Edilson Oliveira; Bonelli, Rita de Cássia Simões Moreira;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos deThe present article seeks to analyze how far the Brazilian Legal System shelters the protection of the exposed contents on social networks by the digital influencers and also secures the family’s interests towards property, regarding the transmission of so-called digital assets.Yet intends to investigate in what way the Brazilian law solves eventual conflicts between the personal rights of the deceased and their heir’s interests regarding the postmortem transmission of digital assets. It’ll be inspected the figure of the digital influencer, the meaning and the range of virtual property, and also possible ways to achieve adequate legislation in respect of the subject. Therefore, it’ll be analyzed arising jurisprudence from Sao Paulo and Minas de Gerais’ Justice Courts, whence 2018 to 2022, Law Projects, and it’ll also provides an comparative research between the Brazilian Civil Code and the Civil Code, such as legal diploma, specific or not, from Germany, United States, France and Spain.Item (In)eficácia do contrato de namoro como instrumento apto a elidir a caracterização da união estável(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-14) Castro, Allana Vitória Rodrigues de; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de;; D'Alburquerque, Teila Rocha Lins de; present scientific article has the general objective of analyzing whether the dating contract can, effectively, be used as an instrument capable of removing the characterization of the Stable Union. The study of this contract is justified by the need contribute to the composition and resolution of practical situations found today from the signing of this contract. For the development of the research, the qualitative approach was used, through the review of literature, doctrinal review, dissertations and scientific articles that address issues related to the theme. In addition to the documentary research centered on the legislation applicable to the theme. With that being said, the analysis of this contract in the Brazilian legal system, shows that it remains evident that there is no prohibition as to its existence, being the same valid, but the majestic doctrine defends for the ineffectiveness of this contract as to the possibility of removing the characterization of the family entity from the Stable Union.Item Limites legais da publicidade infantil no Direito Brasileiro Contemporâneo.(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-06-10) Teixeira, Camila Andrade; Viana, Florimar dos Santos;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de; https://wwws.cnpq.brThe theme infantile publicity has been a recurrent matter in foruns and debates realized by professionals in the communication area all over Brazil,thus becoming a complex theme even to the marketing and publicity professionals. With all the technological evolution, the proliferation of the means of communication has spread to the children’s audience,which has been submitted to a huge amount of publicity that has turned children their main target. It is noticeable however that when it comes to this specific public publicity is selective and seductive in order to attract adepts to the exposed good stimulating children’s consume, since children and teenagers don’t have yet racionalization to understand in a critical way how far publicity can go to influence them. It is believed that in spite of the advance in Brazilian literature about protection to children and adolescents, the regulation system to infantile publicity is still weak.Item Marketing jurídico: redes sociais para advogados brasileiros à luz do código de ética e disciplina da OAB(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-09) Silva, Juliana Alves Cardoso da; Cunha Júnior, Eurípedes Brito;; Abreu, Nícia Nogueira Diógenes Santos de;; Pacheco, Joelma Ferreira Silva Primo; http://lattes.cnpq.brWith the advent of globalization, the forms of interactions between the social masses were undergoing major changes. Among these forms are social networks, which are inserted both in the personal and professional lives of its users. Not the other way around when facing the practice of law. Thus, this article aims to analyze how legal marketing can be performed by the Brazilian lawyer in social networks in light of the Code of Ethics of Discipline of the Brazilian Bar. Being used for such, the qualitative research methodology based on the literature review method, in order to the theoretical basis. Although there is no specific regulation directed to legal marketing in social networks, it can be developed as long as the publicity provisions contained in the Brazilian Bar Code and Ethics and Provision 94/2000 are applied by analogy.