Planejamento Ambiental
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O Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento Ambiental (MPPA) no Programa de Pós Graduação em Planejamento Ambiental (PPGPA) junto com o Mestrado e o Doutorado em Planejamento Territorial e Desenvolvimento Social, este último aprovado em 2012, no Programa de Pós-Graduação Planejamento Territorial e Desenvolvimento Social (PPGPTDS) integram a Pró Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós Graduação (PROPPG) da Universidade Católica de Salvador (UCSAL), e visam a criação de competências, especificamente no MPPA, em planejamento ambiental na perspectiva das condições de vida em suas relações socioambientais e conservação dos recursos naturais.
Neste sentido, suas linhas de pesquisa e os seus estudos, de foco interdisciplinar, associam os fenômenos territoriais às questões sociais e ambientais, com especial ênfase nas formas de intervenção ambiental planejada no território. O Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento Ambiental (MPPA) foi aprovado pela CAPES em 2006, tendo realizado sua primeira seleção em 2007.
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Item Agenda 21 local de Itaparica/BA: possibilidades e limites de sua aplicabilidade(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2012-09-28) Oliveira, Viviane Lafene Hughes; Teixeira, Aparecida Netto;; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de;; Almeida, ArmandoThe Agenda 21 is an instrument in which public policies for development could be based on, as it results from the articulation of social agents around their needs and desires. However, there are many limits to its applicability. The Local Agenda 21 of Itaparica, built in 2006 and 2007 with the participation of third section organizations, local community and public authorities, follow the steps of awareness, elaboration of community social environmental diagnosis, thematic meetings and Forum constitution. The objective of this work is to analyze the applicability of Local Agenda 21 of Itaparica/BA, its limits and possibilities in the involved social agents vision. To this end, the concepts of sustainable development and participative governance were studied, and the members of public authorities of 2005-2008 and 2009-2012 administrations, nongovernmental organizations, leaders and community members were interviewed. As a result, we could notice the discontinuity of actions and the non incorporation of directives and proposes as the elaboration of public policies to local development, although the importance of the document in the concept of involved social agents. Based on it, we could affirm that recuperate Local Agenda 21 of Itaparica/BA, such as stimulate participative governance, would contribute to local sustainable development.Item Agricultura familiar e sustentabilidade em Mutuípe-BA: estudo propositivo sobre planejamento agroecológico de produção agrícola em comunidade rural(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2012-02-24) Dórea, Antônio Tadeu Neves; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de;; Kraychete Sobrinho, Gabriel;; Araújo, Quintino Reis; farming is favorable to the adoption of more ecologically balanced production practices, such as growing diversity, reduced use of industrial additives and the preservation of genetic inheritance. In this sense, agroecosystems can be understood as fundamental unities to the analysis and planning of human interferences in order to reach a sustainable development in agriculture. This study examines the possibilities and limitations of planning agroecologically a rural community’s agricultural production. It is a descriptive study that relies on a qualitative approach. To make it possible, pieces of information have been collected among family farmers from the Community of Água Fria in the city of Mutuípe-BA. Several variables (both external – farming technology, rural credit – and internal – sociocultural elements, social organization, schooling, and internal working capacity) that might interfere or influence the agroecological planning were identified. Although in the present moment this agroecological planning is concluded as impracticable, it does have a great potential, since it could effectively make use of the sociocultural conditions that exists in the family farming. In this context, the implantation of a social and technological business incubator is proposed so that the two variables identified in this study could be minimized and, as consequence, the agroecological planning of that rural community’s agricultural production could be possible.Item Ambiência UCSAL: elementos pedagógicos para a formação de consciência ambiental na ecologia do desenvolvimento humano(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2017-08-29) Torres, Patrícia Martins Rocha; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de;; Tinôco, Moacir Santos;; Sá, Kátia Oliver de; National Policy of Environmental Education was instituted in 1999 and regulated the implementation of the Environmental Education in Universities. The university formation integrates the process of human development and, in an ecological approach, substantiates the integration of the human being to the environmental questions for a better awareness of his actions and understanding of his future actions. From this perspective, this development was examined from the epistemological critique of science in the formation of the student. For this purpose, the potential of the university environment of the Catholic University of Salvador - UCSAL was evaluated, in favor of the construction of environmental awareness in the perspective of human development. The methodology used was a bibliographical and documentary review associated with exploratory surveys of the environment. In the first exploratory survey it was found that many students did not identify the environmental actions developed at UCSAL. It was possible to problematize the research topic, reinforcing the need for a contextualized reflection of the Socio-environmental Education discipline. The epistemological criticism answered the following question: Does the science transmitted to the students, assume dogmatic character, without reflection on the processes of its own construction. This questioning dialogues with the legal imposition of Environmental Education and contextualizes the human development. It also approaches the consciousness of body and space to apprehend an environmental conscience, basic presupposition to potentiate the behavior change of the human being in the environment in which he lives. The results of the research made it possible to propose a new form of Socioenvironmental Education in which the social is integrated reflexively. As a result of the formation in the Professional Masters in Environmental Planning, we propose the creation of the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Support in Environmental Practices – LaSPIPAm, which will be a pedagogical and didactic resource for the practice of the discipline.Item A análise da atuação do Ministério Público Federal - BA na Avenida Paralela - Salvador: em defesa do meio ambiente(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2014-09-20) Silva, Solange Palmeira da; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de (Orient.);; Teixeira, Aparecida Netto;; Bastos, Antonio Adonias Aguiar; objeto de este trabajo es el papel del Ministerio Público Federal de Bahia (MPF/BA) en la Avenida Luiz Viana Filho, comúnmente llamada la avenida Parallel, en Salvador, en relación con la protección del Medio Ambiente. La investigación fue posible gracias a los conocimientos sobre la dinámica espacial de la ciudad en relación con la expansión urbana y la ocupación de tierras ociosas, desde su infraestruturación, evidenciado por lo tanto, con la construcción de la avenida Parallel, sobre todo la última expansión de vectores la ciudad, que ha estado guiando la dirección de la construcción de nuevas viviendas y nuevos desarrollos en una acción presentada inicialmente por el Estado, y luego se inserta en la lógica de la mercantilización del espacio. La metodología se ha realizado mediante el trabajo de archivo en demandas presentadas por los fiscales federales de Bahia, en los últimos veinte años, en defensa del medio ambiente en la región paralela. La delimitación de la zona de estudio, que comprende el espacio de la avenida y sus alrededores, así como la duración de tiempo en que se produjeron las acciones determinadas entre el desarrollo temprano de la avenida para el día de hoy - cerca de 20 años, jugó un papel decisivo en la comprensión y la realización de este trabajo. Se realizó un estudio numérico del número de acciones que, en este período, y los resultados de cada una de las acciones y sus consecuencias para el medio ambiente. Con este estudio, hemos tratado de investigar, entre otras cosas, si existe (o no) la omisión o negligencia por parte de las agencias ambientales de protección y los fiscales federales en el trato con la protección del medio ambiente en la región en este momento, por tanto se presenta como un estudio de caso, el proceso de concesión de licencias y asignaciones Greenville Hills Jaguaribe del Sur y del Norte. En la observación de los resultados presentados, se puede observar que, entre otras deficiencias, como la lentitud de la justicia en el trato con las causas ambientales y la omisión y negligencia de las agencias reguladoras, que la sanción impuesta a la causa del daño al medio ambiente es insignificante en comparación la ganancia proveniente de las negociaciones del proyecto, por lo que es más rentable para el empresario para causar daño, incluso si tiene que pagar una multa resultante del delito causado al medio ambiente.Item Análise da qualidade da água no Rio Catu da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Pojuca - Bahia(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2011-12-13) Ribeiro, Emerson Santos; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi;; Machado, Miriam de Fátima Carvalho;; Celino, Joil José; Brazil, human activities such as dumping of sewage, deforestation of riparian vegetation and inappropriate use of pesticides, have caused damage to the environment and water quality of rivers, especially when these rivers cut the large urban centers. The launch of fresh domestic sewage and industrial effluents are among the activities that negatively impact these water bodies. When they are not treated it degrades the quality of river water, and this have a great impact on the activities of coastal communities. The aim of the research was to analyze and diagnose the state of pollution of the River Catu in Bahia and propose measures to improve the quality of the water. The survey consisted of a questionnaire that raised the use of the riverside communities of Rio Catu, a survey that pointed sewage spills from industrial and residential projects, through the use of GPS, and analysis of water quality in four sections of the river in two periods, in May and in October 2010. Analyses were performed in the laboratories of SENAI and Laboratory Studies in Environment - LEMA of UCSAL, as well as of the results obtained through the Water Quality Index (IQA) that are a simple way to indicate the quality of water systems. This paper proposes the implementation of the weighting of IQAS as a methodology to assess water quality. It is concluded that the release of sewage and industrial effluents cause negative impacts to water quality of Rio Catu, having an impact on the flora and fauna of the river and coastal communities that need the river for some activity.Item Análise de condicionantes socioambientais para instalação de parques eólicos: estudo de caso, licenciamento do Complexo Eólico Morrinhos - Campo Formoso - BA(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2019-01-28) Santana Filho, Alberto José; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de;; Tinoco, Moacir Santos;; Gonçalves, Mário Jorge de Souza; present dissertation proposes a qualitative analysis of the socioenvironmental conditions related to the licensing of wind farms denominated Winds of Morrinhos, Swifts and Winds of Campo Formoso II, belonging to the same complex and located in Campo Formoso - BA. Through the mechanisms of environmental licensing it is possible to explore a project whose characteristics most impacting the environment are hidden by a green curtain that suggests sustainability, development, generation of clean and renewable energy. The highest potentials recorded for the Bahia State wind farm are located in the semi-arid region, characterized by the scarcity of rainfall. Often, parks are located close to small communities and districts, which are (often) vulnerable areas due to lack of infrastructure, low schooling, and income of residents. Due to the fact that it is a topic that has not yet been approached either by legal provisions or in academic works, this dissertation was based on the scarce existing theoretical references, as well as on the practice of environmental licensing. The methodology used to analyze the effectiveness of the socioenvironmental determinants of the aforementioned wind farms was based on bibliographic research on the main characteristics of the conditions, access to the procedural records published by the environmental agency responsible for the environmental licensing and identification and selection of the social and environmental conditioners of the licenses. The development of this work has even led to the creation of a specific tool to analyze the effectiveness of the environmental conditioners of the license, the conditioning matrix, which is fundamental for the achievement of the general objective. Three main products were generated, being a map of the location of the greatest potential for wind generation in relation to the municipalities of the semi-arid region of Bahia, a matrix to verify the effectiveness of the environmental conditions, and the formulation of the concept of environmental licensing conditions.Item Análise de plantas de mangue como bioindicadoras da qualidade ambiental nas Ilhas de Tinharé e Boipeba, município de Cairu, Bahia, Brasil(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2010-06-01) Gonçalves, Manuel Vitor Portugal; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi;; Silva, Iracema Reimão;; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de;; Garcia, Karina Santos;é and Boipeba islands, located in the southern shore of Bahia, have rich coast and system and ecosystem in special areas of choral reefs e de forest of mangrove, distributed on the coast zone of both islands. These natural attributes, associated to the relevant colonial social historic patrimony, made these islands important tourist destinations, being these activity more consolidated and with a major infrastructure in Morro de São Paulo, in Tinharé. The present study has as principal objective make an analisys about the mangle plant species as bioindicator of the environmental quality in the Tinharé and Boipeba islands. Lately, the Southern Region of Bahia has been the target of interesting to many oil companies, some of them are already working on research and exploration of natural gas and oil. Besides, it is common the transit of ships carrying oil and/or its derivatives in this coast region. In the coast zone of the studied island, 10 sampling stations were chosen with diverse characteristics: 04 in the Tinharé Island and 06 in Boipeba Island. These stations are under direct influence the waves and tides, main hydrodynamic agent of the coast, being stations E5, E8, E9 and E10 (Boipeba) under the influence of the continental Waters, respectively, of Patos Channel, Catu River, Bainema River and Santo River. 60 leaves of sun were collected from the species Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa and Avicennia schaueriana and made analisys of biometric parameters and external morphology. These analyses has suggested foliar reduction and alteration in the integrity of the foliar limb, mainly chlorosis, grazing, necrosis and perforations. After dried until constant weigh, these leaves were properly prepared to the determination of heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn), whose opening has ocurred in a microwaves and the reading through spectrometry by atomic absorption with flame, conform adopted methodology. The average content of Cu were toxic to Rhizophora in E2 and to Laguncularia in stations E3 and E9. Lead has showed high level in all stations and toxic in stations E3 and E4 (for all three species), E2 and E9 (Rhizophora and Avicennia), E5 (Laguncularia and Avicennia), E7 (Avicennia) and E10 (Rhizophora). Lead has showed high values for all stations and toxic in stations E3 and E4 (for the three species), E2 and E9 (Rhizophora and Avicennia), E5 (Laguncularia and Avicennia), E7 (Avicennia) and E10 (Rhizophora). In this work, there were various sources of environmental impacts and it was not possible to infer to only one source the contamination with lead. The collected information could not be used in an identification of a principal source of contamination by lead, on the other hand it suggests diffuse sources, what may take us to jump to the conclusion to new studies and the use of more indicators for a longer period of time. It is suggested accomplishment of posterior studies that use other indicators of ambient contaminators, the example of the fauna, waters and sediments. These can complement the information presented in this study and contribute the accurate analysis of the observed sources of contamination in Tinharé Island and Boipeba Island.Item Análise de resíduos sólidos em uma unidade escolar: proposição de plano de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2015-10) Conceição, Cleide Brandão de; Peres, Marcelo César Lima;; Marchi, Cristina Maria Dacach Fernandez;; Pinho, Ana Sueli Teixeira de; solid waste generation and its improper disposal generate numerous problems for society. The formal education environment can contribute through environmental education together with the correct management of waste to confront this situation. The study aims to analyze the current production and direction of solid waste, as well as the perceptions and habits of social actors in a public school, on the issue, as a subsidy to propose a solid waste management plan (SWMP) for school unit. The research has a qualitative quantitative approach consisting in an action research as it aims at using the results obtained, the proposition that plan. The study involved the identification of the generation sector and the quantitative and qualitative characterization of recyclable waste produced, and the paper, the type of recyclable material found in greater proportion. And in order to understand and analyze the perceptions and habits of the school community was applied questionnaires to students, teachers and staff. Analysis of the questionnaires it was established that the school community in general, shows concern for environmental issues, the majority shall be responsible for the proper disposal of waste, which is a positive aspect on the issue, the professional participants suggested actions for waste management at schools as implementation of selective collection, educational activities with encouraging the responsible consumption. The proposition of (SWMP) is intended to promote the environmentally sound disposal of solid waste and enable through the inserted environmental education project in this context, awareness of the school community to the importance of individual and collective environmental responsibility focused on the issue of solid waste management enabling the formation of multipliers of the theme in the community.Item Análise do descarte de lâmpadas fluorescentes e a elaboração de propostas para o manuseio e reciclagem no Bairro de Mussurunga em Salvador, Bahia(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2016-07-25) Carvalho, Estenio Moita; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi;; Marchi, Cristina Maria Dacach Fernandez;; Silva, Aída Cristina do Nascimento; is considered that the fluorescent lamps are used in various lighting systems in the world along with its low power consumption and its long durability thus generating demand for its handling and disposal, along with their toxic and potentially dangerous. The objective of this research is to analyze the disposal of fluorescent lamps in Mussurunga neighborhood of the city of Salvador, Bahia; and specific objectives has been to describe the disposal system of fluorescent lamps in the residential and commercial area; offer educational and technological alternatives for handling, disposal and recycling of fluorescent lamps waste from suppliers, collectors and consumers; promote the importance of environmentally sound disposal and recycling of fluorescent lamps by-products. To consolidate these goals uses a hybrid methodology consists of a literature review, documentary and historical nature, in tandem with field research. Interference attempted the awareness process in order to encourage the most appropriate forms for use, handling and disposal of fluorescent bulbs, both by consumers residing in the neighborhood as well as for commercially installed providers in Mussurunga district, Salvador, Bahia. Join a total community ignorance about the issue and its consequences, and therefore recommended an educational process to mitigate harmful results.Item A APA como instrumento para conservação da atividade pesqueira artesanal da Ilha de Boipeba(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2010-11-03) Rocha, Jeísa Crusoé; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de;; Teixeira, Aparecida Netto;; Silva, Iracema Reimão;; Schiavetti, Alexandre; es una isla de la ciudad de Cairu, Bahía, Brasil, inserta en una Área de Protección Ambiental - APA, que por sus características naturales se ha convertido en una atracción turística. Este estudio dirige nuestra mirada hacia la comunidad de pescadores y mujeres colectoras de mariscos artesanales de Boipeba y su relación con el entorno natural. Verificamos que las áreas de pesca de esta población tradicional, llamadas de pesqueros y que se encuentran en zonas libres y sin control, reciben a menudo pescadores que practican distintas artes de pesca, favoreciendo asi daños al medio ambiente y contribuyendo para la sobrepesca. También lo turismo cresciente contribui para aumento de la demanda del pescado y provoca alteraciones en medio ambiente. Estos factores han dado lugar a esta investigación en la búsqueda de mejor comprender las posibilidades y limitaciones de la gestión de la APA con respecto a la prevención y reducción de las restricciones de la actividad pesquera, que también provienen de la actividad turística y prospección de gas natural. El método utilizado fue el de investigación documental, bibliográfica e internet enriquecida por investigación de campo donde se pudo observar y recopilar información a través de entrevistas y mediante la realización de dos talleres. Fue realizado un análisis del Plan de Manejo de la APA y de sus Programas con la finalidad de identificar como los mismos colaboran com la comunidad de pescadores artesanales y mujeres colectoras de mariscos, en el desarrollo de sus actividades. El resultado de esta investigación indica la necesidad de un cambio de perspectiva del objetivo de la APA, el cual deveria, también, considerar la conservación de la pesca artesanal. La presencia del poder público a través de las inversiones necesarias para la gestión y manejo, así como la participación de todos los interesados también son elementos requeridos para una gestión exitosa.Item Área de Proteção Ambiental como Instrumento de Gestão Ambiental: Estudo de Caso da APA Joanes/Ipitanga(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2010-04-26) Carvalho, Ivone Maria de; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de;; Baltrusis, Nelson;; Filho, Severino Soares Agra; discusiones de temas como la conservación, preservación, desarrollo y sostenibilidad, además de bastante polémicas tienen sido fuentes de debates y argumentos de comprensión diferente, cuando se consideran aspectos relacionados con estándares de producción y consumo, mercado, políticas públicas y planificación ambiental. La planificación ambiental envolved acciones interrelacionadas y interdependientes en un proceso adonde la sociedad es al mismo tiempo objeto, objetivo y medio. El presente trabajo tiene como objeto la Área de Protección Ambiental como instrumento de gestión ambiental: Estudio de Caso de la Apa Joanes/Ipitanga y como caracterizar la APA como instrumento de gestión ambiental a partir de las relaciones entre el uso de instrumentos normativos, privilegiándose el ZEE y las estrategias y acciones que contribuyeran para la gestión de la APA en el periodo de 2004 hasta 2007. La APA Joanes/Ipitanga tiene como objetivo mayor la preservación de las nacientes y de la represas de los ríos Joanes e Ipitanga, además de su región de estuario, propiciando aún la conservación y recuperación de los ecosistemas existentes en el área. Fueran utilizadas la documentaciones indirectas de variadas fuentes (pesquisa documental y bibliográfica) y la documentación directa (examen de dados en el mismo sitio – pesquisa de campo). A partir de las informaciones examinadas se puede constatar la existencia de conflictos en el uso y gestión de los recursos, así como la APA se constituye en un elemento articulador del espacio adonde se encuentra inserida, en lo que se referee a la sostenibilidad ambiental, siendo el principal forum de diálogo de los actores de la región. El Consejo Gestor de la APA, a despecho de ser de carácter consultivo e estar carente de renovación, trae un discurso calificado en la dimensión de su espacio y proporciona gañíos y interlocuciones en su área de competencia y gestión. La APA Joanes/Ipitanga no posee aún un Plano de Manejo, siendo las demandas en la mayoría de las veces atendidas en carácter de emergencia. La APA carece de apoyo institucional y político de los órganos responsables por la gestión e ejecución de la política ambiental del Estado, para garantir la actualización de sus instrumentos de gestión e su gobernabilidad, enguanto Unidad de Conservación del grupo de Uso Sostenible, sin tolerancia y/o impotencia delante de las impunidades.Item Atuação do Conselho Gestor na gestão ambiental do Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2017-12-11) Santos, Solange Pinheiro; Tinôco, Moacir Santos;; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; Palavizini, Roseane SimõesThis study aims to contribute for the reflection on environmental participative management on the Conservation Unit and its applicability as one of the planning instruments, the Management Council. The Metropolitan Park of Pituaçu, object of study of the dissertation, as a Conservation Unit, is classified in the category of sustainable use as Urban Park through the State System of Conservation Unit, established by legal means in 2006. Participatory environmental management in UC is consolidated by the area planning, management plan and an advisory or deliberative council. The relevance of the collegiate in Conservation Unit is in the social participation in the management and decentralization in governmental decisions. The research investigates the contributions that have been made, and the results obtained in the consolidation of a democratic, sustainable and participative management with the institutionalization of social participation in the management, if this is forming social and environmental relevant policies directed to the Unit and the surrounding communities in the exercise of the Collegiate The methodology applied in the data collection procedure was obtained through the reading and interpretation of the meetings minutes from the board, gathering the necessary information in the case study. Collection of data specific to the unit with the objective of analyzing the conflicts, the problematic political partner of the Metropolitan Park of Pituaçu and its institutional complexity; Carrying out bibliographical research, documentary analysis, description of successive legislative acts in the consolidation of the Park's areas, and consulting the laws and decrees regarding public policies of the state in the environment and urban green areas. As the final product of the research, a socio- environmental action plan was established; Based on the diagnosis built with the interpretation and analysis of reports, minutes of council meetings and minutes of meetings with the surrounding community, transmitting the collective will of the social actorsinvolved.Item Atuação dos Subcomitês da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio das Velhas na Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2011-04-25) Reis, Carlos José; Tarqui, Jorge Luis Zegarra;; Baltrusis, Nelson;; Ribeiro, Elizabeth Matos; Subcommittees are important tools in managing water resources in the Hydrographic Basin Committee of the “Velhas” river. These agencies are advisory and propositive entities that function obligatorily with the participation of the three segments of the society (public authority, water users and organized civil society), being an advance in the decentralization of water management. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the institutional performance and social capital of seven Subcommittees of the hydrographic basin of the “Velhas” river: “Jequitibá” river, “Paraúna” river, “Curimataí” river, “Taquaraçu” river, “Mata” creek, “Arrudas” creek and “ Riachinho” that belongs to the hydrographic basin of the “Velhas” river. It was used a qualitative research study which was based on the application of 18 questionnaires and 12 interviews with 27 members (president and former president of CBH-Velhas, coordinators and representatives of the three social groups) involved in the management of these Subcommittees and of the CBH-Velhas. For the evaluation of institutional performance it was made an analysis from the following indicators: decision making, resource mobilization and management, internal and external communication and conflict resolution mechanisms. To describe the Social Capital it was evaluated the perception of two components: structural and cognitive. The structural perception is based on the existence of associations and recognition of social networks, of the structure and internal features of the Subcommittees. The cognitive aspects are based on the evaluation of trust, solidarity, reciprocity and cooperation on the internal and external scoop. About the questionnaires, specific questions were performed to assess the indicators (included in institutional performance and / or in social capital) ,in the case of interviews, it was analyzed the speech of the interviewees in order to collect the impressions addressing the indicators mentioned above. Among the difficulties encountered in institutional performance it can mentioned: the absence of wider legislation, to delegate more powers to these agencies, the lack of a good infrastructure, a shortage of financial, technical and human resources, low autonomy and lack of its own headquarters. However, even if there are some challenges and difficulty in performing the actions, these agencies are developing a responsible job, consciously and effectively, within the limitations, in the communities where they operate and this is due in part to the process of strengthening and building a social capital in these five years of the existence of the Subcommittees. The conclusion of the study is that the strategy of action by the Basin Committee and the relation with the subcommittees is satisfactory because it is grounded in the particular reality of each sub-basin and a construction process of decentralized management, within the existing structural constraints. It should be noted that the existence and continuity of the Subcommittees should be based on the improvement of institutional performance and the strengthening of social capital. In this sense the role of social innovators, similar to the role played by the project “Manuelzão” are important in the process of building and strengthening social networks that support the work of the Subcommittees of the “Velhas” river Committee itself.Item Avaliação da composição de espécies de macrófitas aquáticas em ecossistemaslênticos perenes do Parque das Dunas, Salvador - BA(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2016-08-31) Souza, Esthalin Moreira da Silva de; Tinôco, Moacir Santos;; Benati, Kátia Regina;; Menezes, Christiano Marcelino;; Peres, Marcelo César Lima; aquatic continental ecosystems represent a system still not well known and quite threatened by human action, especially the coastal areas which suffer from industrial, touristic and real estate speculation. The aquatic macrophytes are essential to the balance of the aquatic environment, because they support a large number of organisms and they respond well to different environmental gradients that are formed laterally along the spring. Considering the depletion of the water quality of hydric sources, especially in lentic ecosystems of the north coast of Bahia state, is increasing dramatically due to human actions. This study aims to evaluate the species composition of aquatic macrophytes in lentic ecosystems of Parque das Dunas, the last urban source of the dune ecosystem, lagoons and resting areas in Brazil. The floristic survey and collecting water samples were performed in all perennial ponds of the park between the months of November and December 2015. The floristic survey and water samples collecting were performed in all perennial ponds of the park between the months of November and December 2015. Five visits were made to the park, with eight hours per day, totalizing 40 hours of field activities. Forty species belonging to thirty-five genera and twenty-four families were recorded in the floristic inventory, and also the analysis of 8 physicochemical parameters. This work can verify the list of parameters to the species of aquatic plants, especially those related to organic matter, resulting in the identification of an advanced process of Eleocharis interstincta infestation at Lagoa do Jacaré and an initial process at Lagoa do Junco. These results are extremely important data that will help support programs to environmental planning and management of aquatic macrophytes in the park, and in flooded areas of restinga ecosystem. Beyond that, it was made the field guide of aquatic macrophytes of Parque das Dunas, which will have usability all along the north coast of Bahia state, once the species contained therein have a wide geographical distribution and the region has a large deficiency of specific materials for aquatic flora, thus the guide will assist environmental licensing work, management plans and recovery of water bodies.Item Avaliação de riscos de inundação na bacia hidrográfica do Rio das Pedras - Pituaçu/Salvador-BA(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-07-04) Silva, Carlos Romay Pinto da; Santos, Jémison Mattos dos;; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de;; Tinôco, Moacir Santos;; Gonçalves, Mário Jorge de Souza; interdisciplinary work is comprised in the area of environmental planning and urban planning and aims to evaluate the risks related to flooding, having as object of study the hydrographic basin of Rio de Pedras / Pituaçu in the city of Salvador-Bahia. In order to achieve this objective, a methodology based on the use of the Geographic Information System (GIS), called Map Algebra, was used, which allowed the spatialisation and hierarchy of the flood risk as well as the areas of susceptibility floods and social vulnerability of the catchment population. This methodology allowed the construction of the flood risk map by means of an algebraic operation, using the sum operator, between the flood susceptibility map and the social vulnerability map. The Flood Susceptibility map was elaborated considering three environmental variables: Land Use, Occupation & Coverage, Declivity and Hypsometry. The Social Vulnerability map was elaborated from three socioeconomic variables: Income, Demographic Density, and Types of Housing. As a result, it was verified that the river basin has very high and high susceptibility related to floods, near its mouth and in the central part respectively; with regard to social vulnerability, there was a condition of greater vulnerability in the high and intermediate part of the basin (Salvador's basin); with regard to flood risks, it has been found that in most of the basin they are low or very low; As for the high risks, they concentrated in the form of patches more expressively along the banks of the Pituaçu River and in the central and mainly lower parts of the Rio das Pedras / Pituaçu watershed.Item Avaliação de ruídos em aerogeradores situados no complexo eólico Serra Azul - Ba(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2017-05-11) Gomes, Leonardo Rafael Teixeira Cotrim; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi;; Carvalho, Miriam de Fátima;; Melo, Jilvan Lemos de; state of Bahia holds one of the largest wind potential in Brazil, with a multitude of wind farms installed in its territory. The quickly increase of manufacturing, implementation and operation of wind turbines was important to ensure greater participation in the national scenario of electric power generation, increasing safety and strengthening of the energy sector, promoting economic and social growth of the country. The wind power it is an alternative and sustainable source of energy, compared to traditional ones, although the production of electric energy from the force of the winds can generate undesirable environmental impacts that can happen from the production chain of the wind turbines to the ecosystems around the windfarms. Environmental impacts are diverse, however when it is restricted to the populations that living near the windfarms, some issues become more evident, such as visual impact, noise, electromagnetic interference, visual corona, strobe effect. The present study aims to evaluate the wind turbine noises in the Serra Azul-BA windfarm, from data collections performed at the site with pre-defined distances between the wind turbine and the receiver using an International Energy Agency (IEA) noise estimation method. With the collected data is possible to compare the noise with the values provided by manufacturer of the wind turbines and the main standards in the world. The results of the measurements shows that through the method of measurement of noise at source proposed by the IEA it is possible to determine satisfactorily the sound pressure level emitted by wind turbines and therefore to assist in the environmental monitoring. Can be verified differences in the noise emission between wind turbines in the park, suggesting that one of them could be deregulated, emitting noise near the upper limit specified by the manufacturer, at wind speeds below the nominal power Wind turbine. The research evaluated national and international laws and regulations on the emission and noise environmental monitoring generated by wind turbines. Nowadays the world have a great variety of concepts and each country or region have its own norms to be used to control, monitoring, measure and enforcement of laws. With the study of existing laws in the world, it was possible to propose mitigating actions, updates and creation of new standards for Brazil, since the country lacks specific norms that adequately cover the issue of noises emitted by wind turbines.Item Avaliação dos impactos socioambientais gerados pelo Programa Luz Para Todos em comunidades do Baixo Sul da Bahia(Universidade Católica de Salvador, 2019-03-27) Leal, Luciana Braga Bacelar; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi;; Peres, Marcelo César Lima;; Silva, Iracema Reimão; activities depend on energy to improve the quality of life. So much so that the United Nations (UN) has included access to energy, in its most varied sources, as one of the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS). Goal 7 provides for a goal by 2030 to ensure universal, reliable, sustainable, modern and affordable access to energy for all (UNDP, 2015). Brazil advances in this objective through the Program of Universalization of the Electric Assistance "Light for All" (LPT). The present study sought to evaluate the environmental impacts after the implementation of electricity distribution networks in the rural communities of the Southern Lowlands Identity Territory (LIT) served by the LPT in Bahia, aiming to guide the environmental actions during the project and the implementation of the networks power. This dissertation presents the case study, with 08 localities served by the networks and inserted in the rural area of the Southern Lowlands. The main economic activity of the communities served by the above energy networks is agriculture, predominantly small and medium sized private properties (sites and farms), with various crops and subsistence crops. There was suppression of vegetation in 37.5% of the points surveyed, in 100% of these points it was verified that the width of the easement range was within the specified measure (up to 15 meters). At the points surveyed the intervention on the vegetation affected small fragments of native vegetation scattered and diffuse along the lines of the energy lines surveyed. Regarding the construction residues generated in the works, no remains of construction materials, debris remains and other materials discarded in the easement range were found, but remains of woody material were located in 21% of the points surveyed. This study points directly to the relation between access to energy and the improvement in quality of life of most of those assisted by the LPT Program, mainly in the basic benefits such as access to home appliances, information through television and cell phones and negative environmental impacts. being minimized with environmental management actions carried out by Coelba.Item O centro de pesquisa da biodiversidade do colégio militar de Salvador: espaço para promoção da educação ambiental(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2017-11-13) Carvalho, Ilka Costa de; Tinôco, Moacir Santos;; Beltrão, Lícia Maria Freire;; Pinho, Ana Sueli Teixeira de; shown socio-environmental crisis indicates an urgent need of paradigm breaking. The way by which western societies have established themselves, based upon unleashed consumption of goods and extreme pillage of ecosystem services, leads to a belief that the solution for all this mismatch is to educate individuals. This aim consider a new political-educational dimension, radical and life-changing, conceived as Environmental Education. Such must develop new moral values, planetary ethics, critical awareness and global citizenship. This dissertative research paper aims to demonstrate the importance of the Military School of Salvador’s Biodiversity Research Center and its related educative practices, as a place to the promotion of Enviromental Education; show a brief historic of World´s and Brazilian´s Enviromental Educationts educative; structure the history/memory of Biodversity Research Center Sargento Albino (BRCSA); and also to identify Military School of Salvador students and teacher´s concepts of enviroment and Enviromental Education. For this purpose methodological procedures have been chosen based on documentary research of nature exploring and qualitative type, structured as a case study. The dissertation is organized in three sections, that discusses since worldwide and Brazil’s Environmental Education historical, going through the System Military School of Brazil and then Military School of Salvador, followed by the analysis of documents that allowed collecting data for building a historical of what it is so called Biodiversity Research Center Sargento Albino. The application of semi-structured questionnaires was necessary to students and teachers of the elective subject Environmental Education, part of the double shift Secondary Ecucation Curriculum Matrix. From the analysis of the results it was concluded, regarding environment and Environmental Education concepts that permeate the school community ideology and enable the elaboration and execution of upcoming projects in Environmental Education, further aligned with the National Politics of Environmental Education. Finally, it was shown the final product of the dissertation of a Professional Masters: a requalification and action proposal to the Biodiversity Research Center Sargento Albino, implemented on a letter of intent aiming this area´s conservation – the empiric field of the research; and also on a interdisciplinary didatic sequency pursuiting Tbilisi´s ideology.Item Conhecimento científico e experiência cultural frente ao agir do sujeito no meio ambiente(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2014-03-31) Barreto, Marcelo Barroso; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de;; Baiardi, Amilcar;; Rios, Jane Adriana Vasconcelos Pacheco; research starts when the Biology Teacher at Serviço Social das Indústrias – SESI, located in Candeias-BA, needed to develop a project which goal was to offer knowledge about life quality to the Candeenses students. Thus, the research started with the apprehension of representations that these students have about the city they live in, which provides quality of life in this city and interferes with the improvement about life quality. During the research was observed that most of case group would like to study and move to another place, because they can’t conceive betterments about life quality where they stay. On the other hand, was also noticeable that affective links among families and friends help them to look in a affectionate way the local around them and this could be the starting point to an environmental legitimated education. Therefore, this project was suggested to SESI, for the year of 2014, which goal is to foment a self-analysis and to offer the students knowledge that can help them to make good choices and bring betterments on life wherever they are.Item Conhecimento local e percepção ambiental de pescadores artesanais: uma estratégia de educação ambiental(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-02-26) Silva-Meneses, Fernanda Vera Cruz; Pimentel, Patrícia Carla Barbosa;; Peres, Marcelo César Lima;; Pinho, Ana Sueli Teixeira de;; Silva, Eder Carvalho da;