Browsing by Author "Bahia, Bruno Teixeira"
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Item A aplicabilidade da qualificadora do feminicídio à mulher transexual: levantamento de dados(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-06-15) Assis, Lavínia Jesus de; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; article aims to analyze the extent to which transgender women can be legally recognized as victims in cases of femicide. The legal justification succeeds in the possibility of guaranteeing transgender women the effectiveness of the legal and social rights of transsexuals in the Brazilian legal system. The distinction and understanding of gender, sex and sexuality is essential to reveal the applicability of the feminicide qualifier to transgender victims who have been facing a doctrinal position that does not recognize them as possible victims of the qualifier, violating the principle of human dignity. Research carried out through bibliographic exploratory methodology, as well as data collection, with the intention of verifying the legitimacy of transgender women in appearing as a passive subject in the crime typified in art. 121 of the Penal Code.Item A aplicação cumulativa das medidas cautelares em alternativa à prisão preventiva: uma análise no âmbito do Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia no período entre janeiro de 2019 a maio de 2021(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-06-18) Lopes, Alencar Estrela; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; A aplicação das medidas cautelares diversas da prisão preventiva para redução do cárcere arbitrário e/ou desnecessário nas audiências de custódia na cidade de Salvador(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-06-18) Cruz, Paula Ricarda; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; paper seeks to analyze how the implication of procedural detention can reflect on prison overcrowding and how the use of milder precautionary measures can lead to a reduction in the vices of arbitrary and/or unnecessary prisons for the accused who are still responding to the criminal process in Savior . The aim is also to point out the importance of the custody hearing for the due criminal process. In this line, quantitative data will be illustrated that will show the effectiveness of the precautionary measures of procedural arrest in a hearing for the benefit of the accused.Item A composição do discurso da legítima defesa da honra no Tribunal do Júri: as histórias que se contam(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-06-18) Silva, Michele dos Santos; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira;; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de; O conflito entre o direito do acusado a um julgamento imparcial e o direito à liberdade de imprensa: uma análise da reclamação constitucional n.° 59.847/RJ(UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-12-15) Nascimento, Rebeca Silva do; Bahia, Bruno TeixeiraEste estudo explora a complexidade da relação entre a liberdade de imprensa e o direito do acusado a um julgamento imparcial. Com foco na análise da Reclamação Constitucional n.o 59.847/RJ, o trabalho examina o posicionamento do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) no equilíbrio desses direitos fundamentais. A pesquisa destaca o valor da liberdade de expressão e imprensa, garantida pela Constituição Federal de 1988, e o direito ao julgamento imparcial, implícito nos princípios penais e assegurado em convenções internacionais. O caso central do estudo envolve a tensão gerada pela exibição de um programa televisivo sobre um processo criminal, levantando questões sobre os limites da liberdade jornalística frente à preservação da imparcialidade judicial à luz, principalmente, do entendimento fixado no caso pelo STFItem Construção de um olhar mais humano acerca da realidade do cárcere através da criação de um universo ficcional sob a lente do filme Arábia(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-06-18) Ramos, Renata de Morais; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira;; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de; research aims to analyze the difficulties of prison in Brazil, focusing on Salvador, Bahia and, from that, trace the socially constructed vision of society built around the incarcerated subject, as well as how the seventh art, through the construction of fictional universes, can be an significant ally on the development of a humanized perspective about the incarcerated population. It also aims to show how, through cinema, critical art can be an ally in breaking social paradigms around prison reality. The methodology chosen was document analysis, dissecting the cinematographic language contained in the film Arabia (2017) to expose how its entire construction helps the development of a more humanized look at subjects in the prison as well as in the post-prison period.Item A decretação automática de medidas cautelares substitutivas à prisão preventiva relaxada pela morosidade do processo criminal: uma análise jurisprudencial do TJ-BA de 2019 e 2020(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-11) Cruz, Amira Mayla Souza Arnaut da; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; precautionary measures provided for in art. 319 of the Criminal Procedure Code, has an important role in preserving the instrumental character of criminal proceedings. In this sense, the present research has the objective of analyzing if it is feasible that the decree of other precautionary measures at the moment of the release of preventive detention that became illegal due to the excess of time becomes a tool of mandatory use to prevent the violation of rights, applicable, above all, by the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia. Based on a qualitative and quantitative research, the text demonstrates that despite being legally applicable, precautionary measures are still not fully understood in their role for maintaining the precautionary and instrumentality of the criminal process in the context of the Habeas Corpus concession, in a scenario so conservative that it is the case law of the Bahia Court of Justice.Item A importância da avaliação psicológica no abuso sexual de crianças e adolescentes(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-01-23) Souza, Mariana Bacelar de; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe purpose of this article is to demonstrate the importance of psychological evaluation in the context of sexual abuse of children and adolescents. This type of evaluation enables the initial approximation between the health professional and the minor victim, generating the necessary therapeutic base for the protection of the legal right violated. To do so, initially, it addresses the legal protection brought in the constitutional and legal disciplines. It then analyzes the importance of psychological assessment in cases of sexual violence involving minors, either as an instrument of judicial expertise or as a means of recovering the victim. Finally, it addresses the importance of interdisciplinarity between law and health areas as a way of guaranteeing the integral protection of children and adolescents; as well as discusses the need to use psychological counseling both before and after the judicial phase, creating the system of continued protection of sexual dignity.Item Inserção do sistema eletrônico de execução unificado (SEEU) no Poder Judiciário do Estado da Bahia: a revolução tecnológica que auxilia o monitoramento do cumprimento da execução penal.(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-11) Gonçalves, Maiane Silva; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira;; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis article aims to point to a set of functionalities and guidelines of the Electronic Unified Execution System (SEEU), which was presented to the CNJ, precisely for the purpose of combining information technology with control in the most efficient and communicative criminal execution. In addition to automatically generating the calculation of the execution of the sentence, the system points, through alerts, the prediction of the expiration of the benefits, which opportunizes chronology in the decisions, in addition to the direct communication with bodies like the Public Prosecutor and the Public Defender, WHAT provides procedural speed. The implementation of the SEEU system in the Country yielded partnership between the National Justice Council (NJC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) of the United Nations (UN) in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), appointed as Justice present.Item A intervenção do direito penal no enfrentamento da violência obstétrica(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-11) Reis, Luane Santos; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira;; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de; violence has been understood as a public health problem that, very quietly, has been spreading rapidly in society. In this way, women and Newborns who protect the moment of delivery, end up being victims of doctors and health professionals. In this sense, this article will address the theme, starting a historical and conceptual exposition of this type of violence, going through actions and programs that were developed in order to minimize this problem. The objective of the present study is to analyze the intervention of Criminal Law in the confrontation of obstetric violence in the light of the bills in progress in the Chamber of Deputies. Therefore, chronologically they were responsible for the bills that deal with the subject, with subsequent analysis on the contribution of each one to the fight against obstetric violence and the implementation of public policies. In addition to the law proposals, bibliographic research was used in the methodology, based on scientific articles, books and theses. Finally, the possibility of criminal liability for aggressors who practice acts that are characterized as obstetric violence is studied. Thus, there was a failure to communicate with Brazilian society on the subject, in addition to identifying deficiencies in the actions to protect victims, as well as legal ineffectiveness due to the lack of specific legislation, leaving women with a feeling of impunity.Item O juiz das garantias na investigação criminal: uma análise sobre suas funções e sua implantação ao sistema judiciário brasileiro(UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-12-15) Queiroz, Breno Santos; Bahia, Bruno TeixeiraO presente trabalho busca analisar as funções e a devida implementação da figura do Juiz das Garantias, trazido pela Lei n° 13.964/2019, popularmente conhecida como “Pacote Anticrime”, A presente análise busca apresentar o grande impacto que a criação do instituto do Juiz das Garantias traz ao cenário processual criminal brasileiro e a controvérsia sobre a sua validade e implantação obrigatória, haja vista que a atuação do referido agente muda, de maneira processual, a maneira como se processa a investigação criminal ao restringir a figura do Juiz Natural apenas na atuação da Ação Penal devidamente oferecida pelo Ministério Público. O presente trabalho irá abordar o Princípio da Imparcialidade como ferramenta para proteção de direitos fundamentais do investigado, bem como traz um breve histórico dos sistemas penais e quais deles são aplicados ao sistema jurídico brasileiro. Após, veremos uma análise sobre a funções do Juiz das Garantias trazidas pelo Pacote anticrime e visões a favor e contra sua implementação. Foram utilizadas referências a partir de artigos científicos, teses e análises doutrinárias sobre os assuntos, bem como julgados que abordam o tema como forma de dar validade ao referido estudoItem Os limites constitucionais da delação premiada no processo penal brasileiro: sob a ótica dos artigos científicos(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-11) Reis, Luan Santos; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira;; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de; purpose of this article is to analyze five scientific articles that deal with the constitutionality and unconstitutionality of the award awarded in the Brazilian criminal process, in addition to the approval of the present institute by the Judiciary, in view of the principle of due legal process. The award-winning plea, despite having originated before the positive laws, gained more strength and permanently entered the national order based on the law of criminal organizations, but its notoriety occurred with the car wash operation. The present institute deals with the granting of a state benefit to the agent who collaborates with the criminal process, bringing relevant information for the dismantling of the crime. In addition, it is considered a competent means of obtaining evidence, as it is of great relevance for combating complex crimes to be elucidated. It can be concluded that the national law requires a specific law that regulates the award, according to the constitutional penal and criminal constitutional precepts.Item As medidas protetivas da lei Maria Da Penha e a falta de transparência nos dados oficiais(UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-12-15) Almeida, Mila Guimarães; Bahia, Bruno TeixeiraO presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a transparência dos dados públicos fornecidos pelos órgãos responsáveis, com foco nos dados referentes às Medidas Protetivas de Urgência previstas na Lei Maria da Penha. Antes será abordada a Lei Maria da Penha, os fatos que deram causa à sua criação, as medidas protetivas de urgência previstas, os órgãos responsáveis pelo atendimento, fiscalização e orientação das vítimas. Será também apresenta as dificuldades para obtenção de dados dentro do município de Salvador. E, por fim, uma análise da Lei de Acesso à InformaçãoItem Negros no cárcere: a seletividade do sistema penal e os efeitos da lei 11.343/2006 a partir do discurso do magistrado no caso Rafael Braga Vieira(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-06-15) Gonzaga, Letícia de Pinho; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; article has the theme “Black in prison: The selectivity of the penal system and the effects of law 11.343 / 2006 from the discretion of the magistrate in the case Rafael Braga Vieira”. And it has the objective of questioning about the fulfillment of the guaranteeing role of the penal system, examining how selectivity is shaped in the penal system and how the Drug Law has a determining role in this selectivity. The case of Rafael Braga Vieira will also be the object of study, discussing the reasons for being emblematic and an ideal character to envision several flaws in the Brazilian penal system, among them the selectivity and arbitrariness in the application of that law.Item A observância do princípio da proteção integral quando do cumprimento de medida socioeducativa de internação por adolescentes transexuais no município de salvador(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2019-01-17) Barros, Lorena Rios; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira;; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Carvalho, Rosival Oliveira de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis work seeks to assess how far the State is (or is not) effective in promoting care measures to ensure respect for the individuality of transsexual adolescents when complying with socio-educational measures of hospitalization. For this, it is based on the qualitative research, gradually explaining the composition of the subject in a normative and normative analysis, and afterwards conducting a case study through an interview with a member of the Public Defender's Office, in order to examine the performance of the organ in said case. The critical analysis of the theme provides a discussion based on the Federal Constitution of 1988, on the constitutional principles of Human Dignity, Humanity of Sentences, Individualization of Penalties and Integral Protection, as well as infraconstitutional provisions such as the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, SINASE and the principles of Yogyakarta with a view to identifying the role of the State in promoting the individual rights of transsexual adolescents taken care of in Salvador.Item O perfil das mulheres encarceradas nas regiões norte e nordeste do Brasil: um olhar a partir dos artigos científicos(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-11) Lima, Juliana Nunes Soares; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira;; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de; prison system in Brazil, in general, does not demonstrate minimum conditions for prisoners, and the situation plummets even more when it comes to the female gender. Brazilian women were placed in a historical context marked by the lack of care and attention to their existence in the penitentiary system and this invisibility reflects in the State's performance, which disregards the peculiarities and particularities inherent to the female figure. In this sense, the present article aimed to carry out a systematic analysis of 4 articles published in a magazine between the years 2010 and 2020, dealing with the profile of women in the prison system in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. For that, the Scielo, Google Scholar and databases were used. After analyzing the data offered by the surveys, it was noticed that the profile of women in these conditions, in general, is similar. However, due to the scarcity of studies on the subject and the invisibility of the female gender, especially in these respective regions, the analysis also found that it was not possible to reach a result, in a broad and reliable way, with only 4 articleson the referred subject, so that he realized the urgent need to induce scientific research on this universe.Item O reconhecimento pessoal e fotográfico: os limites da nulidade da prova no processo penal a partir de decisões dos tribunais superiores(UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-12-15) Jesus, Gustavo Santana de; Bahia, Bruno TeixeiraEste artigo examina as nuances e os limites do reconhecimento pessoal e fotográfico em contextos judiciais, analisando decisões dos tribunais superiores. O estudo, mergulha numa análise detalhada de casos relevantes dos tribunais superiores, examinando como essas cortes abordam questões de identificação e reconhecimento. A pesquisa revela uma tendência dos tribunais em consideração as limitações do reconhecimento humano, enfatizando a necessidade de provas corroborativas. O artigo também discute as implicações dessas decisões para a prática jurídica e sugere diretrizes para melhorar a confiabilidade do reconhecimento pessoal e fotográfico em julgamentos. Conclui-se que, embora o reconhecimento seja uma ferramenta valiosa, a sua aplicação exige cautela e apoio de outras provas para garantir a justiça e a precisão nas decisões judiciais.Item A seletividade da política nacional de drogas e o aumento do encarceramento feminino: análise através do levantamento dos perfis das mulheres do Complexo Penitenciário Feminino da cidade de Salvador-BA(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-11) Mendes, Fernanda Soares Ferraz; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe scientific article intends to discuss about the current criminal policy applied to drug trafficking adopted in Brazil; in addition, it will show how selective law 11.343/2006 is and the related consequences suffered from women in a society deeply unequal. Beyond of bringing an exponential increase of prison, privileging a politic of crackdown of traffic, the law also authorizes the selective application of penal law, due to the fact that it doesn’t have objective standards to distinguish who is the drug user and who the drug dealer is. Verifying, conducting field research, in line with data, that imprisoned women, by rule, belong to the most vulnerable social class of society (black, poor, single mother and low education level). t is a qualitative research, through a multiple case study, guided by a semi-structured questionnaire applied to women convicted of drug trafficking in the Women's Penitentiary Complex in the city of Salvador-Bahia. The collected data were formed by theoretical support outlined by national bibliographic survey on the referred topic.Item O tratamento da psicopatia frente ao ordenamento jurídico brasileiro: possibilidade de aplicação do artigo 26, parágrafo único, do código penal(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-01-17) Gonçalves, Carla de Melo; Araújo, Alan Roque Souza de;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe present article has the scope to analyze the treatment given by the Brazilian legal system to the psychopath who commits a crime. This is because, the Penal Code has only one device designed to deal with the one considered unimpeachable or semi-imputable. It occurs that psychopathic personalities are distinct from other criminals, even those considered mentally ill, which reinforces the need to seek a solution to the framing of these individuals in the Brazilian penal system, when there is a practice of delinquency. Therefore, it is essential to study psychopathy in the Brazilian justice system, specifically under the optimum of Criminal Law.Item Violência psicológica: o prelúdio das agressões praticadas contra a mulher e a implementação dos programas preventivos na lei maria da penha(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-01-30) Cima, Karla Regina de Andrade Garrido; Correia, Thaíze de Carvalho;; Correia, Thaíze de Carvalho;; Costa, Jader Veloso;; Bahia, Bruno Teixeira; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe present research, based on literature review, has the purpose of evidencing psychological violence as the prelude to the aggressions practiced against women and the implementation of preventive programs in the Maria da Penha Law. Considering that domestic violence is the product of a patriarchal and sexist society that holds a position of inferiority on women, this work sought to identify what would be the first form of aggression practiced so that prevention measures become more effective than violence. In this way, the importance of dealing with psychological violence against women still considered by many as irrelevant, even in comparison to other types of domestic and family violence, remains to be seen.