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    Cooperação para a conquista da indicação geográfica de hortaliças folhosas produzidas em Conceição do Jacuípe, na Bahia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-09-30) Rebouças, Bartholomeu Thadeu de Souza; Baiardi, Amilcar; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Caldas, Alcides dos Santos; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Silva, Guilherme Augusto Vieira da; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Marback, Heitor Ferrari; https://lattes.cnpq.br
    The thesis aimed to study the cooperation actions between producers and other members of the leafy vegetables production chain in Conceição do Jacuípe-Ba. It was hypothesized that cooperation plays a relevant role in the process of conquest of the Geographical Indication (GI). The objective was to outline the characteristics of such a practice, seeking to identify cooperation as one of the preceding factors in the search for GI recognition for such products, which is a differential element in a competitive market. The study followed the hypothetical-deductive methodology aimed at recording the characteristics present in the region that provide a favorable environment to generate notoriety in the conquest of the Geographical Indication for the leafy foods produced there. The survey was structured in two parts. The first formed by the presentation and introduction. The second consists of four thematic chapters, related to the object of the study. The first chapter highlighted the views on human cooperation and cooperative processes and entities. Chapter two highlighted the issue of Geographical Indication and its achievement process to distinguish products and services in Brazil, in two categories: Indication of Origin (IP) and Denomination of Origin (DO). The third chapter portrayed vegetables (lettuce, coriander, kale and arugula), with a survey of production and forms of cultivation, distribution and consumption. The fourth chapter addressed the development and historical, economic, geographic characteristics of the location in question, as well as its prominence in horticulture. At the end of the study, under the conditions analyzed, the hypothesis presented was confirmed and, together with the research results, they indicated that the region of Conceição de Jacuípe has the potential
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    Jequié: dinâmicas e retrações urbanas
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-01-27) Marcelo, Valter Luiz dos Santos; Vasconcelos, Pedro de Almeida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Silva, Maina Pirajá; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Nery, Maria Goreth e Silva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Fernandes, Rosali Braga; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    Studies about city development attract attention and encourage debates in several areas of knowledge. In Brazil, such studies gain relevance with the implantation of universities and the Brazilian state structuring. To understand the city it is not enough to live in it or to observe it. It is necessary to know its geography, history, and dynamics. This research analyzes the transformations in the city of Jequie, in the State of Bahia, considering the periods of dynamism and socioeconomic downturns. The method of historical approach was adopted, from the perspective of Urban Geography, specifically Historical Urban Geography. To better approximate and understand the city's processes and spatial forms, primary and secondary sources were sought and analyzed through bibliographical, documentary, and field research. The principal social agents that acted in its territorial development modeling processes were identified. This text has four chapters, plus the final considerations, references, and appendix. In the introductory chapter, the literature review on the object of study, the city of Jequie, was elaborated. In the second chapter, the theoretical-conceptual and methodological framework that bases this study development was presented, emphasizing the contributions of Milton Santos, Pedro de Almeida Vasconcelos, and Roberto Lobato Corrêa. In the third chapter, the antecedents of the formation of the city were analyzed. Then, a periodization was elaborated to understand its trajectory, considering three periods, in which the historical and geographical context, the actions of the social agents, and the territorial development of the city were analyzed. In the fourth chapter, an analysis of Jequie's spatial structure was made, highlighting the organization of economic and social spaces, housing occupations, and its territorial development axes. In this perspective, it was concluded that the transformations in the urban space of Jequié increased the differentiation of the space, providing the formation of different territories, making evident the need for social agents, with emphasis on the actions of the State, which needs to take measures concerning infrastructure, mainly in the sectors of transport, education, health, leisure, sanitation, and housing and in stimulating the supply of work and income.
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    Comunidades remanescentes de quilombos: da escravatura à disputa contemporânea por seus territórios tradicionais
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-13) Torres, Paulo Rosa; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Ribeiro, Ana Maria Motta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Freitas, Carlos Eduardo Soares; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Vasconcelos, Pedro de Almeida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Cunha, Sílvio Humberto dos Passos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The present work concerns the question of the traditional territories of the remaining quilombo communities and their historical process of formation, organization and resistance. The historical path goes from the emergence of slavery in the history of ancient societies to contemporary ones, explaining the processes of legal, religious, philosophical legitimation. African enslavement in Brazil, the process of exploitation, the resistance of the enslaved, their forms of organization and struggles for freedom and living conditions make up the explanatory nexus of this thesis, discussing racism as a founding element of the slavery implanted here and the difficulty for part of society and the Brazilian State to recognize the existence of quilombos remnants. In this regard, intense bibliographic research was carried out on the long period studied in general and Brazilian history, demonstrating that the law in its various forms of manifestation is present throughout the slavery period, legitimizing ethnic and institutional racism, and property, which its extreme is the appropriation of another human being. A survey of ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary legislation was carried out, in addition to a vast literature accompanying each of these phases, which made it possible to substantiate the thesis that as long as the various forms of discrimination persist, land concentration and institutional racism will never be the effective titling of the traditional territories of the remaining quilombo communities is possible, since there is a systematic fight against the rights of these communities, either to revoke the protective legislation, or to create bureaucratic mechanisms that hinder or prevent the realization of quilombola rights. As a methodological procedure, the deductive method was adopted as a possibility to understand the genesis of slavery, from its beginnings to abolition in 1888 and the emergence and affirmation of quilombola communities at the same time. Along this route, three characteristics present in the ruling classes were identified, which accompany the entire process of enslavement, abolition and recognition / denial of the rights of the remaining quilombos: racism, patrimonialism and patriarchalism, which are evident in the abysmal distance between the number of existing communities, the number of certified communities, the number of lawsuits filed compared to issued titles, in contrast to the historic and current struggles of these communities for recognition, visibility and the right to their traditional territories.
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    Escola, família e comunidade: o lugar da (re)afirmação identitária da juventude do campo
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-27) Santos, Murilo Pinto Silva; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Baiardi, Amilcar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Giugliani, Beatriz; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Godinho, Luis Flávio Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Sá, Kátia Oliver de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    This Doctoral Thesis aims to demonstrate the relationship between motivations for social mobility and the identity of rural youth in the cities of Inhambupe and Cachoeira, between 2011-2019. The problem that motivated this Thesis, and that we seek to understand and explain, is in the research question: Is the (re) affirmation of the identity of rural youth what motivates them to stay in rural areas? In this sense, the general objective of this study was to demonstrate whether there are relations between motivations for social mobility and the identity of rural youth in the cities of Inhambupe and Cachoeira, in the aforementioned period. The achievement of this objective is divided into four other specific objectives: a) systematize the multiple contexts of identity construction; b) to characterize the youth of the countryside and describe their practices; c) evaluate Alternation Pedagogy as meaningful contextualized teaching; and d) analyze the representations of rural youth. The research was guided by the hypothesis that the absence of (re)affirmation of the identity of the youth of the countryside impacts their social mobility; that is, the decision between staying or leaving the countryside. The complementary hypothesis was that, by not reinforcing the feelings of belonging, recognition and diacritical signs of these young people, they will detach themselves from their roots due to the fragmentation of identity, regardless of the valuation of autonomy imposed on these young people. The methodological choice was reflected in the multiple case study, examined in data of a mixed nature - qualitative and quantitative, privileging the boundaries by literature review, documentary analysis, direct and participant observations, interviews, structured and semi-structured questionnaires. We sought, throughout the chapters, not to dissociate theory from practice (the empirical dimension of the Thesis) because we believe that both complement and strengthen each other in the face of analysis. We conclude that the identity of the individuals investigated in this study, rural youth, cannot be (re) affirmed if it is disconnected from any of the elements belonging to the school-family-community triad, which would result in the fragmentation of perception with regard to this individual's link to their locus of insertion. From this study it was possible to affirm the interference between identity and social mobility by understanding the processes of construction, affirmation, reaffirmation and strengthening of the identity of rural youth; recognition of the dynamics of affirmation and reaffirmation of identity; and the importance of the interference of collective subjects in the face of this process, such as family, school and community, which connects the focus of the research to support the implementation of educational public policies with greater potential for effectiveness due to the identity link to the target audience.
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    Os programas de extensão da UCSAL, UNEB e UFBA e a promoção do desenvolvimento social
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-09-30) Lemos, Iracema dos Santos; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Silva, Maina Pirajá; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Cordeiro, Márcia de Freitas; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Monteiro, Emanuel Alberto Cardoso; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    Extension is the dimension of the university that has the greatest relationship with society, and should provide both the diffusion of scientific knowledge and provide opportunities for the exchange of cultural knowledge in a perspective of inclusion and promotion of social justice. The thesis we defend is that the extension is configured as a tool to promote social development by training the communities for a transforming action regarding the strengthening of social participation in the development of the city. The objective of this thesis is the analysis of the extension of the Catholic University of Salvador (UCSAL), the State University of Bahia (UNEB) and the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in the period from 2015 to 2018 in order to correlate it to the social development of the city of Salvador in the perspective of preparing for the exercise of active citizenship. To achieve the proposed objectives, the research had a quantiqualitative character and consists of semi-structured interviews with the Pro-Rectors of Extension of the three universities, it was used the procedure of documentary analysis in the normative documents (PDI, PPI, Regiment and Statute) and analysis of data on the extension in the IES in the period 2015 to 2018. The study showed that UCSAL contributed in the period 2015-2018 with social development by promoting extension actions offering training with a predominance of the education axis, provision of services and effectively contributed to the strengthening of citizenship and social participation, in this period UNEB promoted extension actions in various axes, in addition to providing services, the Pro-Rector of Extension of UNEB ratifies that the university contributed to social development, showing several examples results, in this context the UFBA offered extension actions with a predominance of the education axis and provision of services. The data found in the research support our thesis that the university extension of UCSAL, UNEB and UFBA constitute themselves as tools for the social development of the city of Salvador, as they contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the communities, by professionally instrumentalizing, strengthening the active citizenship that enables effective social participation capable of acting in social control.
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    Vulnerabilidade populacional ao risco tecnológico: a dutovia implantada no ambiente urbano da cidade de Madre de Deus/BA
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-30) Ramos, Antonio Carlos Souza; Baiardi, Amilcar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Guimarães, Junia Kacenelenbogen; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Ribeiro, Maria Clotilde Meirelles; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Leão, Mirtânia Antunes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Gurgel, George de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The risks of dangerous products raise the prospect of an increased accident in transport through the pipeline, implanted in the urban environment of the municipality in order to affect, through fatality, the group of people living in and around the city. As a result, vulnerable areas were defined in order to determine the number of people affected by the damaging effects of thermal load and overpressure resulting from an accident on the pipeline. Due to the proximity between the pipeline and urban structures, it was necessary to assess the number of people exposed to the harmful effects of an extended accident. The evaluation was carried out through the standards of tolerability of individual risk and social risk which were determined from the iso-risk contour curves and the F-N curves, respectively. Through the risk analysis, it was possible to evaluate the degree of reliability of the pipeline facilities, thus seeking to establish the parameters to reduce and maintain the risk levels to acceptable standards. The determination of vulnerable areas was indicated through 3 reference levels 1%, 50% and 99%, percentages that correspond to the coverage curves of the vulnerable areas, which were represented graphically on the thematic maps for better spatial visualization of the curves reach. The accidental scenarios were carried out from simulations, corresponding to the initiating events with the respective accidental scenarios. For the development of the simulations, several parameters were adopted as input data for the computer system. From the simulated events at the pipeline facilities, the tolerability of the individual risk profile indicated the need to implement measures to reduce the risk and for the social risk, the tracings of the F-N curves, indicated that measures must be applied to reduce the risks in the pipeline.
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    A estratégia de ser e de viver: conflitualidade e tensionamentos entre pescador artesanal e plano de desenvolvimento
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-26) Paixão, Luis Henrique Couto; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Mourad, Laila Nazem; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Delaporte, Maya Constance Manzi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Gonçalves, Manuel Vítor Portugal; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Souza Filho, José Rodrigues; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The strategic planning has been the solution many cities have found to overcome financial crises in order to attract investments to stimulate the economy and bring benefits to the population and the companies. In this way, Cairu, in the east coast of Bahia, has adopted the Development Plan (Cairu 2030) as a way to reach a model of sustainable city in 30 years. However, this model has contributed to the production of tensions and disputes, influencing the life of artisanal fishermen, individuals who set the urban space into a coastal rural territory. This paper aims to demonstrate the tensions and/or conflicts between the fishing lifestyles and the imposed development model which arises from the inability of the strategic planning perspective that configure the city as a company. The methodology applied was based on field and documentary research, prioritizing interviews and observation visits during the last 4 years. It was concluded that the fishing communities, especially the ones located in Cairu, are submitted to a constant and perverse process of resilience, in which the individuals who live there have their rights infringed due to a development model that does not include them.
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    Expansão urbana de Feira de Santana/Ba: atuação do Estado e do setor imobiliário (2004 – 2018)
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-09-30) Araújo, Antônio Marcello Ricci de; Teixeira, Aparecida Netto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Silva, Maina Pirajá; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Azevedo, Tânia Cristina; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Santos, Jânio Lautentino de Jesus; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Santos, Sandra Medeiros; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The expansion of the city of Feira de Santana has a strong influence of public and private agents. The State stands out for its great influence through urban legislation, as well as public policies, particularly housing. In recent decades, Brazil has had housing policies for the low-income population that are important for studies on urban space production and urban expansion. The real estate sector also has great influence when it promotes the Transformation of urban spaces into merchandise, obtaining, in the over-profits of urban areas, their greatest interest. In this way, the private and public sectors act together in urban expansion with their own interests and in the dependence among them, through housing programs. The study of this thesis aims to analyze the process of urban expansion of Feira de Santana-BA, between 2004 and 2018, based on the performance of public and private agents. The central hypothesis of this thesis is that urban expansion in Feira de Santana was initially promoted by the action of the real estate sector, through the implementation of irregular or regular subdivisions; dismemberment of rural areas up to the large enterprises implemented by urbanizing companies. The municipal government acted in the formulation of laws and plans, in articulation with the demands of the real estate sector, with losses in the quality of the urban space resulting from this process. Investments in infrastructure made by the public sector in locations close to private sector enterprises show the relationship between the two sectors. The Urban Development Master Plan and the Urban Land Management Law, instituted in 2018, demonstrate this aspect by favoring the soil market. The residential allotments and closed condominiums and the housing developments of the State programs promoted urban expansion, creating new spaces in the city, mixing social classes and different socioeconomic strata, causing segregation and self-segregation. With the implementation of closed condominiums, especially the horizontal projects carried out by the real estate sector, it can be observed that this market prevail the logic of space-merchandise, in which the State defines plans and laws for zoning urban space and access to places of public spaces, socially produced, is mediated by the real estate market. In spite of the fact that this production covers the needs of different social classes, it contradicts itself with regard to private appropriation. The State is one of the main producers of the transformation of urban space and the modification of value of the land through the formation of land reserves; the implementation of public services and equipment for collective use or financing through public policies and regulation of real estate activities. The study, then, tries to answer if the performance of the public and private sectors, as agents of urban expansion, generated positive or negative results for the city of Feira de Santana.
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    O elemento território e sua significação para os Pataxó da Região Extremo Sul da Bahia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-10) Mendes, Tatiana Larissa Pendiuk; Baiardi, Amilcar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Souza, Ana Cláudia Gomes de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Ribeiro, Maria Clotilde Meireles; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Oliveira, George Gurgel de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The history of Indians rights concerning to their territory is based on discrimination and disregard of these as people, since they even had their human condition questioned. Buried from their lands, the native peoples were manipulated by political and economic interests of the established power. The "indigenous question" is far beyond a single issue, the problems faced by the Indians, are increasingly complex and dependent on the state to offer solutions, and the most urgent is the issue of territory. We seek to demonstrate the vision of the legislators, from the colonial period to the present moment, regulating issues related to the Indians, their legal status, their freedom, their autonomy and their lands in particular. In this way we expose the difficulties for acceptance of the natives in the social context, since the prevalence of Eurocentrism until recently in our history which the disqualification of these people and the construction of an invisible wall that prevented the interaction with the national society. For this part of the dissertation we developed a documentary and bibliographical research, with exploratory approach with the purpose of constructing this historical focused and knowing how the Indian was perceived in the indigenous legislation. In the first moments of the discovery the Spanish and Portuguese documents served as sources and, after acquiring greater legal and legislative autonomy from Brazil, the national documents. The indigenous territory surpasses the notion of the spatial portion occupied by these peoples; its significance is directly related to the survival of peoples in social, cultural, spiritual, as well as economic aspects. The Pataxó people are among the most expressive in Brazil, numerically, occupy the 9th position of the ethnic groups with the largest population according to Fundação Nacional de Saúde (National Health Foundation)-FUNASA data, most of them living in the state of Bahia, in the extreme south region. We tried to know the opinion of the Indians about the meaning of the territory and the importance for the development of the villages in interviews with the leaderships in 15 villages. The result of the field research contributed to this understanding and show the main need and concern of the Indians today is still the regulation of their territory.
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    Políticas públicas de crédito agrícola e microcrédito rural: o ilustrativo Agroamigo em Amargosa/Ba
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-12) Conceição, Vanuza Silva Souza da; Aragão, Gilton Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Baiardi, Amilcar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Ribeiro, Maria Clotilde Meireles; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Brito, Francisco Emanoel Matos; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    The agricultural microcredit program “Agroamigo” is a tool of the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Farming (PRONAF - abbreviation in Portuguese), operated by Banco do Nordeste bank, and constitutes the most important public policy for credit access for family farmers. This thesis analyzes how the Agroamigo agricultural microcredit program contributed to income generation, improvement of living standards and settlement of rural populations. The study area is the municipality of Amargosa/BA. The transformations that occurred since the implementation of the program were investigated. In addition, the level of social insertion and the perception of family farmers of different physical environments were evaluated, showing how they evaluate this microcredit policy in the municipality. Based on the hypothetico-deductive method, it assumes it is the state’s function to control and manage social demands through the formulation of public policies. The procedural method used was field research and statistical data obtained from the IBGE agricultural data survey. A comparison was made between the data from 2006 and 2017 and an empirical study conducted on the perception of the beneficiaries of the credit. The results of the research confirm the hypothesis, attesting that the program contributed to improvements in the standard of living, settlement in the field, increase of income and technology access of the farmers borrowing through the program.
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    Desconstrução teórico contextual da aferição do capital social: o caso de municípios no semiárido baiano sob política pública 2005 a 2012
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-03-29) Ornellas, Edith Lemos; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de
    The Theory of Social Capital has been used in scientific research, spatial analysis, planning, execution and management of public policies of emerging development spaces. Although there are significant changes in some poor rural spaces, from the implementation of public policies, as well as local movements with an associative profile, studies show that the socioeconomic profile of these spaces continues at a level of inequality, state dependence, precariousness of the basic structures of functioning of urban areas and especially of rural areas, not having characteristics in social relations that indicate the applicability of Social Capital Theory in the qualification of these spaces. Considering that Social Capital is present in the social relations of spaces in advanced development, this study is based on the systematic review of the sociological thinking of Social Capital Theory, and aims to show the universal inapplicability of this theory. The method used includes the survey of the main authors of this theory, from the 1910s to the 21st Century, includes the perceptions of the manifestations of Social Capital in 6 European Union countries visited between 2015 and 2017 and the bibliographical survey on the rural profile of the countries visited. It was used the case of five towns of the Semiárido Baiano, identified with Social Capital, under a rural poverty reduction program of the State of Bahia and the World Bank, from 2005 to 2012, Produzir III, now evaluated by the Universidade Estadual de Campinas in 2014 , with the participation of the author. The data collected in the field book of this evaluation by the author were analyzed in comparison to the official results of Produzir III. It has investigated itself Producer III program and its previous versions, as well as the profile of the 5 towns, based on its own socioeconomic data. Formal Education was briefly analyzed, as complementary information on Social Capital, based on the view of the authors who supported this thesis and from the educational data of the 5 towns. As a result, we obtained the observation that the Theory of Social Capital does not apply to spaces in emerging development, as in the Semiárido Baiano, because we did not find, in fact, Social Capital in these spaces.
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    Caatinga e a comida do Sertão na microrregião geográfica e cultural de Euclides da Cunha/BA
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-10-02) Venâncio Filho, Raimundo Pinheiro; Flexor, Maria Helena Matue Ochi; http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4783259P6
    Food from various Bahian territories is conditioned by their climatic conditions. The study of the caatinga and the food of the Bahian backlands reveals, in a significant way, the values of this unbelieving territory by many, as well as cultural peculiarities of what is produced regionally, involving principles of community participation and sustainability. Due to the vast extension of the Bahian sertão, territorial identities, as well as the intangible cultural heritage that involves popular knowledge and specific cultural formation presented in this thesis, the geographic and cultural microregion of Euclides da Cunha was selected for this study, highlighting the municipalities of Euclides da Cunha, Monte Santo, Canudos and Uauá that reveal a strong territorial identity through the memory of its sertanejo people, who - despite the adverse climatic conditions - indicate survival strategies, at the same time as they point out dishes of enhanced flavor, to the taste of this region. In this sense, the present work aims to identify, locate and contextualize the sertanejos customs associated to the regional climate, revealing the inheritances and traditions associated to the culinary, that involves ways of preparation, regional raw materials, beliefs, traditions and the created recipes throughout history, exhibiting the results of this process that are the food of the Bahian backlands. The most recurrent methodology of analysis and synthesis was used, using procedural techniques such as bibliographical and documentary consultations, assisted by field research, using open interviews and personal observations to qualitatively and quantitatively show the cuisine of the associated backcountry to regional culture. The data were obtained directly in the study sites, aided by other methods such as historical and comparative, mainly because, it was assumed that the culinary manifestations were transformed, from external influences, but above all to demonstrate the value and importance of sertaneja food throughout the Bahian universe. As a methodology of procedure, a documentary survey was made of sources that dealt with the subject, both bibliographical and electronic. The direct observation during the years 2016 and 2017 allowed the identification of places, people, cuisine and food of the backwoods cuisine in space and time, identifying the permanences and transformations in the focused territory. External influences, especially through associations and cooperatives, strengthen the traditional models of secular making, promoting the historical rescue by showing that the ways of living together in the backlands can also allow, through food, to mark their identity.
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    “O pão nosso de cada dia”: a farinha de mandioca na cidade da Bahia e sua lavoura no Vale do Copioba, no Recôncavo Baiano
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-03-13) Santos, Félix Souza; Flexor, Maria Helena Matue Ochi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4600166750512322; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2257876241055037; Martins, Luciana Conceição de Almeida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7664734124541880; Pereira, Aliger dos Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9514806025242255
    The study focuses on different aspects of the secular northeast, food, manioc flour, specifically, in the city of Salvador and region of Vale do Copioba river in the Recôncavo of Bahia. Have time limits the 16th and 19th centuries. Favour the farming of cassava, forms processing, transport, exchange and consumption, since the indian farm birthplace of the cassava culture, until the end of the slave regime, in Brazil in 1888. Was based on the analysis and synthesis of documents, academic papers and manuscripts papers, to formulate and answer questions that allow the reconstruction of the use of the "daily bread", namely manioc flour. It was considered that, since the presence of the Governor General, Tomé de Souza, in the city of Salvador in 1549, -without forgetting the highlight that Pero Vaz de Caminha had already given to the "species of Yam"- until recent times, the cultivation of cassava was the basis of farming in this region, and manioc flour, the basis of food structure of residents of the city of Bahia and the Recôncavo Baiano. The scarcity of this constant state interventions motivated flour, both in your crop, how much flour trade. Shows the importance of cassava in Bahia, to the point, the Portuguese Metropolis, General Government, Presidents of the province and district governors, demanding that if they could plant and to benefit more cassava, which build Barn Public guarantee of supply everyday food, the cassava flour. It was found that the production of flour in the Recôncavo was insufficient to meet the consumption needs of the city of Bahia. In times of scarcity depended on the flour coming from other regions. This situation has prevailed since the beginning of the settlement of the Recôncavo Baiano until the 1890, after this decade, by State interventions in this region, have changed the ways of processing, distribution and consumption of flour. From this decade, with the end of slavery and, consequently, had the obligation to provide your flour slave, there was a portion of the former slaves provided farmers households or tenants of its previous owners, there was greater balance both the supply and demand of flour in the city of Salvador, reducing the problem of flour shortages in this city. It is concluded that, over the period studied, despite the constant interference by the State in the fields of manioc and cassava flour distribution, although your importance, your crop was not subsidized, like other typical products of the national crop. And its farmers have not received by the State the prominence that they fit to be the providers of food of the whole society.
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    O fenômeno das águas doces na Região Metropolitana do Salvador: usos, alterações e abandono
    (Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-10-27) Porciuncula, Débora Carol Luz da; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2257876241055037; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de; Tinôco, Moacir Santos; Palavizini, Roseane Simões; Randolph, Rainer
    This study demonstrates how the urbanization/industrialization process of Salvador-BA Metropolitan Area (SMA) appropriated the fresh waters of this territory, generating territorial tensions due to the use of water with changes in its course, and its subsequent abandonment. It was based on the central hypothesis that the current civilizational model, ruled hegemonically in the urban/industrial logic, considered inexorable before other forms of material and immaterial life production, is responsible for compromising availability, quality and access to water in Salvador-BA Metropolitan Area. It was verified that this process is closely related to Planning, based on a conception of Nature that guided the appropriation of the waters of that region as resource. In contrast, in other moments, water has been perceived by the planners as an obstacle to full urban/industrial development. The methodology adopted was the characterization and socio-historical problematization of the relationship between the city of Salvador and its metropolitan area with the waters. The Qualitative Indicators of Metropolitan Rurality were applied in the identification of empirical evidences that stress the rural and urban way of life, specifically in relation to the waters. The evidence was systematized in various forms of dispute expressed in three categories of tensions: (i) in the appropriation of water; (ii) in the uses that generate environmental risks; and (iii) the use of water in cultural activities. The theoretical foundations of this methodology made it possible to characterize the relationship between the rural and the urban, and between these categories and water, which are proposed as Qualitative Indicators of Tensions on Use of Water (IQTA).
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    Mudanças socioespaciais e tendências do desenvolvimento no Recôncavo Sul da Bahia / Brasil (1970-2016):o papel de Santo Antônio de Jesus e de Cruz das Almas
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2017-08-25) Pinheiro, Josemare Pereira dos Santos; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2509418288797497; Flexor, Maria Helena Matue Ochi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4600166750512322; Teixeira, Aparecida Netto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4602341145962830; Fonseca, Antônio Ângelo Martins da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2100939179114481; Pereira, Gilberto Corso; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8547934593183920
    This study is part of the debate on regional development and aims to analyze how the main political, economic and social processes, both endogenous and exogenous processes, support the recent socio-spatial organization of the most dynamic nuclei in Bahia RecôncavoSul - Cruz das Almas and Santo Antônio de Jesus - have impacted on the development of the region between 1970 and 2015. It was based on the premise that the South Reconcavo corresponds to a region under the integrated command of the above mentioned cities constituting a peri-metropolitan space, already which is well articulated to Salvador metropolitan region and Feira de Santana Metropolitan Region and it has determined its recent dynamics and its development prospects. As a result, there are four integrated objectives that correspond to evaluating RecôncavoSul centrality level and the regional intermediation role, characterizing the coverage scales of the flows that establishes in the regional and state ambiances; to identify the current configuration of the region's expansion vectors, evaluating the influences of existing networks, mainly transport and communications, and the articulations between demographic size, function and organization of the regional space; to characterize the productive systems and their structuring axes of the municipalities of Cruz das Almas and Santo Antônio de Jesus, identifying their real capacity to offer goods and services, classifying them as to complexity, highlighting their potentialities, risks and strengths for regional development, and to identify mechanisms of state policies and private management from territorial bases and both endogenous and exogenous planning spaces, articulated with the state and national spheres. To achieve these objectives, the theoretical contribution came from was explanatory questions about region, development and regional development. The research was based on documentary analysis and field work. Official data of these municipalities and the state were collected, which allowed analyzing the composition of local and regional production systems. In the field work, questionnaires were applied and interviews were carried out with agents producing the socio-spatial dynamics of the researched context. Among the main results achieved, the study showed that Santo Antônio de Jesus and Cruz das Almas played a central role in the building of the recent regional area of the RecôncavoSul, having as main force the commercial and service sector, based on the articulation of endogenous and exogenous factors, which represents an effective development trend for the region.
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    Fatores endógenos e exógenos que afetam o desempenho de Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia: os casos da Bahia e do Espírito Santo
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-01-25) Santos, Nilton de Santana dos; Baiardi, Amilcar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5894026951550520; Silva, Raimundo Luiz Nunes Vaz da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2445409246977757; Mata, Henrique Tomé da Costa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9168722643424017; Mendes, Januzia Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6529245288863530; Miranda, Fabihana Souza Mendes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6577693682037243
    The present research aimed to investigate and identify the endogenous and exogenous factors of influence in the educational performance and the quality of the teaching of the Federal Education Institutes of Science and Technology of Bahia and Espírito Santo was designed to understand why these institutes belonging to the same federal education network, and under the guidance and supervision of the (SETEC / MEC), demonstrated disparity in student’s performance during the Enem / 2014 Examination, despite the fact that both have the same teaching policies, implemented by the MEC, and with equitable budgetary / financial allocations for the implementation of its administrative and didactic-pedagogical activities. In this sense, this research was carried out in a comparative nature, using exploratory and explanatory investigation as data source management reports, as well as bibliographical research, to inquire and understand the educational process, from colonization to present day, as well as the set of guidance and rules by which the Brazilian educational system is designed and organized. A field inquiry with questionnaires and interviews targeting Pro-Rectors of Teaching, Institutional Development, Research and Extension made it possible to identify and analyze a series of endogenous and exogenous factors that affect institutional performance such as: screening and enrolling process; internships; financial resource for scholarships; high dropout rate; teacher engagement; family participation in the teaching-learning process; among others. These points reported by the interviewees reinforce the dualism of teaching in Brazil, historically implanted, that still persists in the present times. The results of this study indicate that the endogenous and exogenous factors that affect the quality of teaching can be mitigated by more effective educational policies and some more efficient actions of the MEC itself, which can help managers make decisions that are more coherent with reality through a more effective planning and evaluation of performance.
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    Esquistossomose Mansoni no município de Santa Inês/Ba: políticas públicas e fatores associados à prevalência endêmica
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-01-25) Almeida, Miguel Rodrigues de; Baiardi, Amilcar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5894026951550520; Silva, Raimundo Luiz Nunes Vaz da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2445409246977757; Mata, Henrique Tomé da Costa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9168722643424017; Mendes, Januzia Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6529245288863530; Miranda, Fabihana Souza Mendes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6577693682037243
    In order to investigate and identify the factors associated with the endemic prevalence of schistosomiasis in the of Santa Inês city / BA, this qualitative study was carried out in function of its sociological bias. Thus, this study had as parameters the research of the public policies of health, adopted in Brazil, and field research through questionnaires and interviews in the studied area. Bibliographic, exploratory / explanatory and field research were carried out. In the field survey, 10 (ten) questionnaires were applied to the schistosomiasis patients, living in referred county, and three (03) interviews were conducted, being one (1) the Municipal Secretary, Health Manager and two (2) with the only professionals working in the PCE, to meet all municipal demand. The results indicated that the factors related to the endemic prevalence, are associated to the weakening of health in the studied area. Shortage of health personnel to meet PCE demands in the municipality, poor infrastructure, lack of material and vehicles to attend to routine operational activities, lack of a health educational policy, scarcity of medicines, lack of information for the population, lack of partnerships between the Department of Health and other public agencies, are among the main factors identified, contributing to the endemic prevalence of Schistosomiasis in the Santa Inês county/ BA.
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    Dar voz e ouvir o cidadão: participação popular, rastros digitais e gestão cibernética da cidade
    (Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2017-07-10) Pimentel, Marcello Raimundo Chamusca; Flexor, Maria Helena Matue Ochi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4600166750512322; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2509418288797497; Mourad, Laila Nazem; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8464508890621003; Ribeiro, José Carlos Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3642051581801976; Lucena Filho, Severino Alves de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8015741662349110
    This thesis constitutes new perspectives on urban planning and management, in the contemporary context, since it inserts the dimension of cybernetic intelligence in this context, Not only as a means of controlling administrative processes, as it has been since the 1990s, With the beginning of the popularization of digital technologies, but, mainly, as means of ensuring greater popular participation in the process of competent management of the city. Competent management is understood to be the one that comply with the demands of population and to the well-being of people. For this, three categories are proposed for the administrative actions of cybernetic management of the city: the reactive-passive, the reactive and the proactive, the first one in which management reacts to a spontaneous demand of the citizen, without establishing a digital channel for this; the second is established through institutionalized instruments of dialogue with the population in the digital/hybrid environment, taking advantage of cultures of participation, collaboration and co-creation, which are encouraged by digital social media and they unfold in the behavior of people in all environments, allowing people to express themselves and to say in an increasingly forceful and systematic way what they think of their city, their neighborhood, their street, etc. And the third, through the monitoring and use of intelligent systems for capturing, selecting, categorizing, analyzing and storage information left by citizens, many of them geolocated, through their digital mobile devices in the space of the city, which in this thesis was conventionally called digital footprints. The theoretical-methodological basis used for the development of the thesis was of the Actor-Network Theory (ANT), that, by enabling a complex analysis of heterogeneous networks - which include, among actors with influence in the urban process, both human and non-human actors - potentializes the proposal of the competent management of the contemporary city, from the three categories of actions of cybernetic management, emphasizing the proactive ones. The main conclusions of the research point to the idea that information originating from digital traces - obtained through proactive cybernetic actions - they can provide a profound political and social reinvention of the city, in that by collecting the feelings and expressions of a significant part of the agents, with influence in the territory, in real time, and in an absolutely effective way, they can form a database that represents a legacy of collective intelligence for planning and urban management.
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    Análise da gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no Município de Salvador e os desafios ao cumprimento da lei federal nº 12.305/ 2010
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-02-27) Sousa, Edilmar Ribeiro; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2039696191553980; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1782631349656661; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2509418288797497; Silva, Tagore Trajano de Almeida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4247501480576742; Silva, Aída Cristina do Nascimento; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1506907414606148
    This thesis aims to critically analyze public policies for the effective management of Urban Solid Waste in the Municipality of Salvador, in compliance with the provisions of Law No. 12,305 / 10 - PNRS. In this law, its articles say as priorities the efficiency and effectiveness of public policies in the municipality, among them, it is worth highlighting the preparation of the Municipal Plan for Integrated Management of Solid Waste, as a requirement to prove its adequacy to the aforementioned law. It also recommends the following parameters as targets: dump extinction and sanitary landfills in the municipal territories, following the criteria for the implementation of selective collection programs, socio-environmental responsibility, reverse logistics and environmental education; encouraging the participation of civil society through programs to encourage citizen participation in the processes of screening of solid residues; creation of associations and cooperatives of collectors as a way of insertion of the unemployed in the production chain; promotion of programs for directing waste to the reuse and recycling chains. As well as, to diagnose possible difficulties faced by the public management to make the municipal territory adequate in the form of PNRS and to bring as a proposal of feasibility of this adequacy, the creation of a solid waste management model as an alternative solution for this purpose. Although there is a State Solid Waste Policy (PERS) governed by Law 12.932 / 14 in the state of Bahia, which imposes obligations and responsibilities at the state level in relation to PNRS, similar to that already provided for in federal law 12,305 / 10, that, when the municipality complies with this federal law, it will also be conforming to the dictates of state law. Thus, the research focused only on federal legislation applied to the municipality of Salvador, bringing as a result the existence of a scenario of neglect of the subject, abandonment of responsibilities by public and private managers, and the difficulty of law enforcement nº 12,305 / 2010 by the supervisory bodies, which made clear, among other things, the omission and lack of punishment of public administrations.
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    Microcrédito na Região Metropolitana de Salvador (RMS): análise no período de 2010 a 2014
    (Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-02-05) Jesus, Regina Jacqueline Brandão de; Baiardi, Amilcar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5894026951550520; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2257876241055037; Santos, Ana Lúcia Carvalho; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7097451347556227; Ribeiro, Maria Clotilde Meirelles; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8170006685313309; Aragão, Gilton Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5085324559205843
    This thesis aims to evaluate microcredit in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador (RMS) in the period between 2010 and 2014. This paper presents an investigation based on data collected from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), Banco do Nordeste (BNB), Banco Central (BACEN), Brazilian Service to Support Micro and Small Enterprises (SEBRAE), among others. Through the analysis of data, it was shown that both the population and the enterprises of the metropolitan region are increasingly seeking microcredit and that individual microenterprises are seen as the output for generation and complementation of family income. The research also reveals that microcredit is an important activity in the Bahia and Brazilian economy, especially when compared to other Latin American countries. It also shows that the expansion of the microcredit supply is part of the model that has the objective of managing poverty and its effects on society, and that the supply of microfinance services grows based on guidelines characterized by typically financial profitability procedures. The results show that, between 2010 and 2014, there was social development in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, but it was not possible to associate the improvements to the microcredit programs offered in the region.