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O Curso de Direito da UCSAL tem o objetivo de preparar profissionais para exercerem atividades voltadas aos diversos campos da área jurídica. O Curso forma bacharéis com conhecimento nas mais diversas áreas do Direito, como constitucional, civil, penal, comercial, administrativo, trabalhista e processual.
O Curso de Direito da UCSal objetiva formar profissionais direcionados para atender à sociedade de um modo geral, combinando capacidade técnica e responsabilidade ética. Para isto, o Curso oferece uma proposta pedagógica que possibilite ao aluno desenvolver, ao longo de sua graduação, consciência crítica de como contribuir para a transformação do panorama jurídico nacional e das formas de controle do Estado.
O Curso objetiva, ainda, oferecer ao profissional do Direito uma sólida formação geral e humanista, capacitando-o para a análise e articulação de conceitos e argumentos, de interpretação e valorização dos fenômenos jurídico-sociais. Esta formação deve ser aliada a uma postura reflexiva e visão crítica que fomente a capacidade de trabalho em equipe, favoreça a aptidão para a aprendizagem autônoma e dinâmica, além da qualificação para a vida, o trabalho e o desenvolvimento da cidadania.
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Item Direito sucessório do filho concebido por inseminação artificial homóloga post mortem(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-07-13) Purificação, Bianca Cardoso da; Sacramento, Marília;; Rocha, José Jorge; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis article aims to demonstrate how legal theories about human reproduction assisted through insemination artificial postmortem counterpart. Dealing the legislative omission in Brazil on the subject of the affiliation coming from the artificial insemination after the death of one of the parents and their effects on hereditary succession. It is defended the recognition of the condition of son to all haves by means of the postmortem conceptive technique, so that there should be extensive interpretation in what was pertinent to the presumption referred to in article 1.597, section IV, of the Brazilian Civil Code.Item Do planejamento tributário enquanto instrumento legítimo das empresas garantirem o seu desenvolvimento e subsistência frente à elevada carga tributária brasileira(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-07-24) Pino, Bianca Amorim Frangueiro; Andrade, Raimundo Luiz de;; Freire, Marco Valério Viana; is considered one of the countries with the highest tax rate in the world losing even to more developed countries such as the United States and Spain. In turn, the collection of the various taxes provided for in the country's legal system, as well as its high tax rates, has generated dissatisfaction among taxpayers who cannot even claim that there is effective and quality compensation by the State, given the precariousness of public services that it offers you. There is a growing demand for taxpayers, legal entities, by lawful means of reducing the tax burden, considering the expressive, that is, asphyxiating tax collection carried out in the country. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze tax planning as a legitimate and necessary instrument to ensure the development of business activity in view of the high tax burden practiced in Brazil, its legal forecast and other aspects.Item A recuperação judicial transnacional no direito falimentar brasileiro: considerações teóricas e breve análise fática sobre o caso do Grupo OI(Universidade Católica de Salvador, 2018-07-30) Bastos, Raquele Franco Lima; Neves, Lara Britto de Almeida Domingues;; Roman, Daniel Guimarães Silva; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe purpose of this article is to outline the need to update the Brazilian bankruptcy law, in order to include rules regarding the conduct of judicial reorganization proceedings involving multinational corporate groups. This paper will point out the importance and implications related to transnational insolvency in the Brazilian legal system, through a theoretical approach and the analysis of a practical case of judicial recovery of Brazilian multinational economic group. The case addressed will be the judicial recovery process of the "Oi Group", which came to appear as an interpretative framework of Law 11,101 / 05, due to companies belonging to this economic group based in the Netherlands - without branch offices in Brazil - integrating the passive pole. Along the course of this work, there will be a brief study of the guidelines of the national insolvency law and its principles, in comparison to the theoretical models on this theme and the model law of UNCITRAL. Subsequently, going to present the case with a synthetic exposition of the adopted procedures and issues raised during its course. Finally, it is going to be analyzed the institute of transnational insolvency in Brazil and legislative projects that propose including the theme at Brazilian law are going to be portrayed. The study demonstrates its importance in enriching the debate on the subject, as being an auxiliary tool at trying to solve the obscurities that surround it, in order to grant legal security to cross-border trade relations that has Brazil as its scenery and directly affect the main national sectors.Item Feminicídio: uma análise da ação protecionista do Estado brasileiro(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-11-07) Purificação, Rosevane Oliveira da; Sampaio, Tatiana Larissa Mendes;; Viana, Agnaldo Dias; lattes.cnpq.brThis article has as its main theme the crime of femicide that is the apex of violence against women. In this sense, the present study did by reading books, articles and websites related to the topic, seeking to identify the Liability of the State in the face of the greatest Act of violation of women's human rights, as well as the functionality of the law Maria da Penha. Being proven that the femicide is a crime of State, in which this is responsible for the violation of women's human rights, as well as by the expansion of crime of femicide in the Brazilian territory.Item A lei da transferência do direito de construir (TRANSCON) no âmbito da cidade do Salvador(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-12) Anjos, Lívio Ádamo Santos dos; Fraga, Fagner Vasconcelos;; Cortês, André Quadros; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe purpose of this article is to study how Transfer of the Right to Build (TRANSCON) can add value in the exploration and development potentials of certain areas as of the enactment of Law no. 3,805 / 1987, decreed by the City of Salvador. However, given the need and curiosity to understand the concept and the way of using this instrument, it is necessary to understand Law no. (PDDU) of the Municipality of Salvador, which allows the owner of a certain area to exercise, in another place, or to dispose, through a public deed, the right to build to the City Hall of the city. In this way, we intend to evaluate TRANSCON as a possible provider of urban development, adapting the real estate structure of the city of Salvador to due respect not only to administrative regiments, but mainly to the legal system.Item O casamento da pessoa com deficiência intelectual: autonomia ou dependência?(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12) Pascoal, Roberto Brandão; Pacheco, Joelma Ferreira Silva Primo;; D'Albuquerque, Teila Rocha Lins;; Félix, Germana Pinheiro de Almeida; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis work intends to analyze the marriage of the person with intellectual disability in the light of Article 6, I, of Law 13,146 / 2015 (Brazilian Law of Inclusion), in which it changed the civil capacity system of the Civil Code of 2002, granting the person with disabilities in a generalized way, the full capacity to self-determine in society, arising for this, the concern, if the marital bond goes through autonomy or dependence before the concrete case for its effectiveness.Item A verossimilhança e a plausibilidade jurídica como pressuposto essenciais para a concessão da tutela de urgência satisfativa em caráter incidental a luz da Lei 13.105.2015(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-12-04) Contreiras, Breno Dias; Sérgio, Vitor Hugo Zimmer;; Novaes , Avio Mozar Jose Ferraz de; lattes.cnpq.brThis article aims for a critical analysis of the need for a decision, in face of precarious cognition, to observe the institutes of Likelihood and Legal Plausibility in order to grant an injunction order. This article will show an in depth analysis of when the interested part's plea is satisfactory and has an incidental character. Furthermore, this scientific work will encompass the changes brought by the New Code of Civil Procedure, with remissions and comparatives to what happened during the validity of the CPC of 1973.Item O redirecionamento da execução fiscal: um olhar sobre as decisões do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e do Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-12-04) Pires, Cristina Caroline da Silva; Freitas, Rafael Carrera;; Xavier, Ricardo Simões; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis work promotes a study based on a sample from 2015 to 2018 of judgments of the STJ and the TJBA on the redirection of tax enforcement in order to constrain the shareholders' equity in cases of irregular dissolution of the company. The objective is to reveal that there is no uniformity in the understanding, not even between the Classes of the STJ, as well as between the Chambers of the TJBA, on important aspects for the application of Art (s). 134 and 135, III, of the National Tax Code. With this disclosure, both the Treasury and the partners eventually affected by the tax execution, can better define their strategies of action, while denouncing the legal uncertainty that affects this issue in particular. We opted for an exploratory research, promoting a review of the jurisprudence that most strongly reaches the judicial processes in progress involving the State Treasury and the Municipal Treasury, in the context of the State of Bahia. The choice of this subject was also due in part to the new Civil Procedure Code, Law 13,105 / 2015, since, in setting the incident of disregarding legal personality, it instigated further research on the subject.Item A violação dos direitos fundamentais da criança na primeira infância com a prática da alienação parental(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12-05) Schuh, Gabriela Morais; Pereira, Nívea da Silva Gonçalves;; Pereira Neto, Aloísio Gonçalves; A adoção brasileira: um ato de amor ou ilícito?(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12-06) Teixeira, Mariana Sousa; Teixeira, Humberto Gustavo Drummond da Silva;; Dalbuquerque, Teila Rocha Lins; lattes.cnpq.brThe Brazilian adoption is characterized by the civil registry of a child coming from other parents as if the biological child were, that is, an adoption is carried out without due legal procedures required by law. The current Penal Code, in article 242 the criminal classification of the practice of adopting the Brazilian, since such an act can cause harm to the child, not respecting the principle of the least interest of the child. A minor can be adopted by a family that does not have psychological and satisfactory conditions to offer fundamental rights of quality, as well as the analysis by specialist of the possibilities of adaptation in that family environment, which could be prevented in the regular adoptive process, with the refusal. This article aims to analyze whether the Brazilian adoption institute can be treated as an act of love or illicit practice, briefly presenting the position of the courts and ending the work with the conclusive ideas.Item A alteração das normas ao longo do tempo com destaque ao direito de filiação do código civil de 1916 e do código civil de 2002(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-12-11) Santana, Larissa Leite; Sampaio Júnior, Belcorígenes de Souza;; D'Albuquerque, Teila Rocha Lins; lattes.cnpq.brIn article 1605 of the civil code of 1916 the children had different classifications and treatment. The children born within the marriage were those legitimized, those who had a natural inheritance right, social recognition and the preference of families, the offspring generated outside the marriage relationship were well-off, often unrecognized and adoptees were the last option of a family considered unstructured for not having been able to generate children inbred. Over time, the society / legislator realized that this was not the best way to deal with filiation and succession, thus revoking this device and creating a new one that explained theItem Direito social fundamental à moradia para a população em situação de rua: análise fática a partir da realidade de Salvador-BA(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12-11) Santos, Keivyla Araújo dos; Sampaio Júnior, Belcorígenes de Souza;; Dalbuquerque, Teila Rocha Lins; lattes.cnpq.brThe lack of housing has become a problem common to large Brazilian cities, and the city of Salvador does not escape this reality. Walking around the Bahia capital and finding people and even entire families in a street situation has become part of the historical landscape. It is recurrent to witness the miserability of human beings who live wandering under subhuman conditions, in contrapart, with the same chance that we are faced with people in such a situation, also, we find abandoned real estate, at the mercy of real estate speculation. Most people are homeless, that is, individuals who have lost their homes or never possessed them. In spite of such reality, the Magna Carta covers housing as a fundamental social right and as some data show there are enough houses to meet all this demand. This work, therefore, aims to analyze the effectiveness of fundamental rights for street people in the city of Salvador and, from this analysis seeks to study this social reality in the face of constitutional and infraconstitutional guarantees that the population in situation of street has, in addition to the treatment given to the right to property and the requirement of fulfilling its social function.Item Uma abordagem da questão jurídico sociológica da violência psíquica intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12-12) Nascimento, Marlene Santos de Souza; Araújo, Ricardo Ramos de;; Leão, Ilton Vieira; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis article aims analyze the psychological intra-family violence against children and adolescents in a historical perspective, legal, sociological, and the impact of the psychic assault on the victim's life. Being conducted through a literature review of qualitative nature. Presenting as a starting point the historical contextualization on domestic violence. Looking for understanding what is hidden in the eyes of the victim and thus check the look of State in the face of full protection. Therefore, literature review were carried out among other musings. As we well know, there are many people who could not by itself endorse their basic rights, however, children and adolescents are the most fragile of our society. Domestic violence is a complex problem, since it is not a question of strangers making the assault, but of close relatives, as well as fathers, mothers, and loved the family, , who have contact with children and adolescents emotional proximity. Likewise, covers perceptions rooted about the methods of bringing up children.Item A importância do exame de corpo de delito na violência doméstica contra a mulher(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12-12) Menezes, Laís Magalhães; Barreto Filho, Raul Coelho;; Figueiredo, Cristiano Lázaro Fiuza; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis article aims to study the examination of the body of crime in violence against women. Bringing information about the examination in the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as the issue of violence against women and the importance of proof in situations of domestic violence. Suggesting the confrontation of violence against women, calling for the reconfiguration of work practices, with ed.ucation for professionals who attend the victims of violence for comprehensive care and humanized. women.Item Disciplina jurídica da violência praticada contra as mulheres no âmbito dos transportes públicos(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12-14) Santos, Edilene Calisto; Brito, Nágila Maria Sales;; Brito, Reginalda Paranhos Ribeiro Leite de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe present scientific article will have an approach related to Practical Violence against women riding the public transport, and through a succinct analysis this theme seeks to impel an advanced study and several discussions, embarking and directing the law institute that is based on the ordering legislation in the search for protection of the female gender. The aspects covered will be from the types of violence committed, the legal mechanisms, the methods of protective measures adopted, in the explicit way as the libidinous or obscene act committed by a user that offends the sexual freedom of the user of the public transport service affects a whole.Item Aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha no âmbito das relações homoafetivas: e quando a mulher é a agressora?(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-12-14) Assunção, Ana Caroline Dourado Queiroz de; Brito, Nágila Maria Sales; lattes.cnpq.brEl presente trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio la problemática involucrando la efectividad de la aplicación de la Ley nº 11.340/06, Maria da Penha, en familias homoafectivas, así como analizar las decisiones dictadas en las Varas/Juizados de Violencia Doméstica y Familiar contra la Mujer acerca de la Mujer aplicabilidad del dispositivo infraconstitucional a los pares homosexuales. Además, tiene el alcance de reafirmar el carácter familiar de la unión de personas del mismo sexo y, en esa misma línea, viene a dar énfasis a la posibilidad de que el individuo del género femenino actúe como agresor, desmitificando la figura del polo activo de dicha norma. El propósito de la obra es contribuir al combate de un numero más amplio de casos involucrando violencia doméstica, por ora omisos, por la desinformación insertada alrededor de esta ley ya la que ella rige. Por lo tanto, se hace necesario el examen de la temática a través de obras bibliográficas y documentales, la explotación del concepto de violencia doméstica y familiar y la identificación de quien figura como víctima y agresor, que deben ser vistos por el panorama actual, ya que, pasar de las décadas, las relaciones se han ido modificando socialmente y es deber del legislador acompañar tal cambio.Item A advocacia em tempos digitais: uma análise da prática advocatícia face as consequências do acesso tecnológico(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12-17) Matos, Gabriela da Costa; Costa Júnior, Vander Luiz Pereira;; Pacheco, Joelma Ferreira Silva Primo; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis article examines theoretical and practical issues related to the automation process intensified by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impacts on the law practice, specifically, the impacts of the automation process in the daily life of mass litigation.Item A inversão das fases licitatórias na modalidade concorrência: um comparativo entre a lei estadual baiana 9.433/05 e a lei federal 8.666/93, e a proposta do projeto de lei nº 6.814/2017(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2018-12-18) Barbosa, Marcelo Moreira Santos; Loi, Bárbara Camardelli;; Freire, Marco Valério Viana;; Loi, Bárbara Camardelli; present article aims to address the inversion aspects of the bidding phases of the public biddings (qualification and proposal), comparing Federal Law 8,666 / 93 and Bahia State Law 9,433 / 05, as well as the project proposal of Law No. 6.814 / 17, presenting the advantages of this procedural modification. At first, the bidding procedure will be addressed, whose modality is competition from the perspective of the federal bidding law. Next, this aspect will be externalized under the prism of Bahian state law and the advantages gained from this inversion, with the exposition of concrete data, demonstrating, in fact, that it is possible to obtain return and significant stability for collectivity.Item Aplicação das medidas socioeducativas e a inserção do menor em meio social no município de Valença-BA(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-12-19) Lobo, Marília Gabriella Coutinho; Pacheco, Joelma Ferreira Silva Primo;; Félix, Germana Pinheiro de Almeida; lattes.cnpq.brThe objective of this study is to analyze the application of socioeducational measures and the effect of lowering them in the city of Valença in Bahia. Also note a list of minor offenders in society, under a majority of those responsible and also of children and adolescents who have complied with the measures in the municipality. In order to identify the place of criminal recidivism of juvenile offenders with socio-educational actions in the last years, a documental research and conversations with the local CREAS staff were carried out. It is worth mentioning the potential research the meaning of the minor offenders, a recidivism, an application and an insertion of lesser social importance in the city in question.Item A colaboração premiada na lei 12.850/2013 como instituto eficaz para o combate das organizações criminosas(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-01-09) Costa, André Almeida; Silva, Leonardo Ribeiro Bacellar da;; Viana, Agnaldo Dias; lattes.cnpq.brThe present article has the purpose of analyzing the institute of the prize collaboration provided for in Law 12.850 / 2013, as well as its effectiveness in the development of the fight against criminal organizations, taking into account the individual guarantees of the investigated in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the collective interest to elucidate the crimes practiced, identifying the advances and complexity of organized crime.